18 Views· 07 September 2022
How To Hardscape Aquariums, Terrariums & More (Step-by-Step Relaxing Tutorial)
In this one, I do something that many of you have been requesting for years now. I'll give you an in-depth look at how I scape my tanks. I also set up a few for demonstration. I wanted to show the ENTIRE process, so it's a long one!
I really hope that many of you get some good takeaways. If I were to scape a tank for real, I would do exactly what you see in this video. Keep practicing, experiment, and always remember to stop scaping and listen! I'm telling you, it helps me a lot and I know it can help you too.
Originally I planned to put this on my second channel, but as I worked through the video, I thought it could be more appropriate for this channel. It's also my longest video yet! Can't get enough? Then is probably the video for you. Enjoy!
Where I Buy Hardscape (no affiliations)
https://sraquaristik.com (free shipping on many items; good selection)
https://manzanita-driftwood.com (buy 2, get 1 free manzanita)
https://www.liveaquaria.com (free shipping over $150)
https://tanninaquatics.com (good selection; botanicals)
https://www.glassboxtropicals.com (good selection; botanicals)
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#aquascape #harscape #serpadesign