1.8K Views· 04 January 2023
Dogs vs Cat Invasion Prank! Funny Dogs Maymo & Potpie and Puppy Indie Battle Cat Apocalypse
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Watch Funny Dogs Maymo & Potpie and Puppy Indie vs Cats Prank! The two dogs and puppy are minding their own business on the couch when their leisure time is interrupted by a large trash bag that flies into the room through an open window, landing on the floor in front of the hapless beagle pups. Watch each dog react to the bag as it makes weird noises, hopping around the room, practically bouncing off the floor. Just when they think things couldn’t get any weirder, a cat pops up out of the bag, then jumps on unsuspecting puppy dog Indie, and the skullduggery begins! After that cat, another, and yet another, jump out of the bag, surprising each dog. The dogs’ reactions to the cats are hilariously adorable and funny. What the cats don’t realize is that the pranks are on them, as Maymo has an idea to get rid of these pesky felines once and for all!
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#cats #funnydogs #prank #cat #dog #dogs #funny