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181.5K Views· 22 August 2023

Eating at Top Rated BURGER restaurants in our city (Episode 1)


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Welcome to our first burger series! We are on a mission to discover the best burgers in Melbourne. Will you join us?

Watch episode 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Coa7lAiH98Q

If you're reading this, please consider subscribing to the channel. I SEE YOU!
Did any of these burgers look good to you? Which was your favourite? Let us know.

Instagram: @lechonny and @dalena.cake
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/chonnydalena
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/mychonny
Comedy Channel: http://www.youtube.com/yourchonny
Website: https://chonnyday.com/
➔ Get our apparel here: https://teespring.com/stores/chonnyday
Business Enquiries: chonnydaymail@gmail.com

This video was edited by Brian.
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/CMIThePodcast
IG: @thebriangoh

The Chonnyday website/store will be closed until the 26th of May. We will be restocking cutlery in late June/early July. Follow @chonnydayshop for more info

Kung Fu Burger: https://www.kungfuburger.com.au/
Betty's Burger: https://www.bettysburgers.com.au/
Easey's: https://www.easeys.com.au/

There won't be a video up next week. We'll be flying to Sydney for a travel vlog series.
See you in two weeks!

Much love,

Chonny & Dalena

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