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243.5K Views· 25 December 2022

Do We Drink Too Much?? | Trash Taste #48


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Trash Taste Boiis:
Joey | https://www.youtube.com/user/TheAn1meMan
Connor | https://www.youtube.com/c/CDawgVA
Garnt | https://www.youtube.com/user/gigguk

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Joey | https://twitter.com/TheAn1meMan
Connor | https://twitter.com/CDawgVA
Garnt | http://twitter.com/GiggukAZ

Edited By:

Intro Animation - https://twitter.com/utafiti_

00:00:00 Tasty intro
00:00:50 The power of Grant
00:01:14 We took a 3 week break
00:02:18 What is there to talk about
00:03:04 Journey Across Japan: Lost Islands
00:04:38 Japan's British Town
00:07:03 British culture
00:08:34 Joey went on a trip with Chris
00:09:44 Connor learns a new word
00:10:30 Speedrunning tourism
00:11:31 Places to visit in Japan
00:14:39 Google knows where we've been
00:18:17 The prefectures Joey's visited
00:20:52 Japans coffee is bad
00:27:32 Honey
00:28:54 Espresso is amazing
00:31:15 We really needed an espresso machine
00:33:54 Japan really is a tea society
00:35:58 Fish & Chips
00:38:40 What can you do in England
00:40:54 Judging towns based on their pint prices
00:42:22 All you can drink izakaya's
00:44:39 Coming around to liking wine
00:48:30 Wine in Japan
00:50:05 Hangover tier list
00:52:17 Making mini-games out of drinking
00:54:34 The Kamikaze Shot
00:56:54 Harry's
00:58:17 Getting old
00:59:22 Garnts first wine tasting event
01:02:58 Fancy restaurants
01:04:13 Hangover tier list recap
01:04:41 Meilyne experiments on Garnt
01:07:06 Evian made us beautiful
01:08:54 Bracelets that help you lose fat
01:09:47 Bad before and after pictures
01:11:40 Chicken and broccoli diet works
01:13:15 Trying to lose weight
01:15:10 Self-improvement
01:18:53 Enjoying food
01:19:43 Connors worst Uber Eats experience
01:22:26 Garnt managed to get spicy food in Japan
01:24:33 Connor and Garnt got some really spicy food
01:26:39 The allure of spicy food
01:30:02 Crunchyroll
01:31:08 Connors older brother pranks his family
01:35:19 The spiciest thing Joeys had
01:36:56 Spice high
01:38:16 Garnt tries ghost pepper extract
01:44:41 Connor used to be a lifeguard
01:56:23 How to save kids from drowning
01:58:07 Garnt almost drowned
02:02:43 Joeys funnest pool experience
02:03:35 Finding a place to swim in Japan is hard
02:04:36 How often do people shit in a pool
02:05:55 The downsides of being shortsighted in a pool
02:10:29 Peeing in the pool
02:11:51 See you next Friday

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