4467 Views· 29 September 2022
Life of the Ocean 8K ULTRA HD - 500 Marine Species with Relaxing Music and Ocean Sounds
The oceans are threatened but teeming with life. Yes, every day on average 4 new species are added to the huge book of marine life.
The work is hard. Hundreds of researchers around the world write a chapter of this great book every day. Thus, in a single cut, 1,451 species found last year have just been added.
In the last 8 years, more than 200 editors of that great document found that almost half of the species named in the past 250 years were duplicates. And so 190,400 names duplicated in one form or another were crossed out.
A single species of snail was repeated 119 times. The intention is to have a single, reliable record.
After this meticulous analysis of the 419,000 species records and the removal of duplicates, with greater certainty, the scientists who are part of the World Registry of Marine Species (WoRMS for its acronym in English), can say today that the seas of the planet are They have found 228,450 species of all kinds.
Among the new additions to the marine life, book is 122 sharks and rays, 131 new members of the goby family, and 1 new barracuda found in the well-known waters of the Mediterranean Sea.
And if purifying the information is essential for the book to be well written, the elementary concern arises about how many pages will remain to be written. Experts believe that there are many, many more than those already written.
Of the known species, about 195,000 (86%) are marine animals, including 18,000 fish described since the mid-1700s, more than 1,800 starfish, 816 squids, 93 whales and dolphins, and about 8,900 clams and other mollusks. bivalves.
Since 2008 the average number of species found is 10 per month, an indication of all that remains to be known about the marine environment.
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Life of the Ocean 8K ULTRA HD - 500 Marine Species with Relaxing Music and Ocean Sounds (FUHD) Demo 8K ULTRA HD