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7 Views· 22 September 2022

TANPA Ragi & Ulen! Resep Odading Garing Tapi Lembut [100% Sukses]



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00:00 : intro
02:35 : persiapan bahan (prepping the ingredients)
03:46 : mulai membuat adonan (making the dough)
06:06 : tipiskan dan potong adonan (rolling and shaping the dough)
07:47 : mulai menggoreng (frying the dough)
09:07 : hidangan siap dan tahap serving (the dish is ready to serve)


Resep Odading. Odading merupakan jajanan khas Bandung yang sedang viral baru-baru ini. Sering juga disebut roti goreng, gembukan, kue bantal, atau bolang baling. Bentuknya menyerupai bantal dengan citarasa manis dan empuk. Sedikit berbeda, resep odading aku ini cukup simple karena tidak menggunakan ragi, tanpa harus diuleni dan proofing. Jajanan ini cocok untuk teman minum kopi ataupun teh.

Resep Odading (24 pcs)

280 gr tepung terigu protein sedang
1 ¼ sdt baking powder
½ sdt baking soda
1 butir telur
110 gr susu cair
20 ml minyak
4 ½ sdm gula
½ sdt garam
1 sdm susu bubuk
20 gr wijen putih
Minyak goreng secukupnya

1. Campurkan susu cair, gula, dan telur lalu aduk hingga gula larut kemudian tambahkan minyak
2. Campurkan tepung terigu, susu bubuk, garam, baking soda, dan baking powder ke dalam mangkuk lalu aduk menggunakan sumpit kemudian tuang bahan cair sedikit demi sedikit sambil terus diaduk menggunakan sumpit hingga membentuk adonan
3. Uleni adonan menggunakan tangan hingga permukaannya halus tetapi tidak perlu sampai kalis lalu istirahatkan 2 jam di suhu ruang dengan ditutup cling wrap / lap bersih kemudian simpan semalaman di dalam lemari es
4. Lumuri talenan, rolling pin, dan tangan dengan minyak lalu tuang adonan dan pipihkan adonan memanjang dengan ketebalan 1 cm, semprotkan atau oles dengan sedikit air di permukaannya lalu taburi dengan wijen kemudian tipiskan lagi adonan ± 0,5 cm dan potong-potong ± 4 x 6 cm atau sesuai selera
5. Panaskan minyak dengan api sedang lalu masukkan odading kemudian aduk-aduk supaya mengembang dan goreng hingga coklat keemasan, tiriskan
6. Odading siap disajikan

Kitchen equipment by MODENA

Kitchen cabinet by METRIC

Instagram: https://instagram.com/brewsuniq/
Website: https://brewsuniq.com/


Crispy-but-Soft Odading Recipe [No Yeast & No Knead]

Odading is a snack food from Bandung that's quite viral recently. Also known as fried bread, gembukan, pillow bread, or bolang-baling, Odading's shape is similar to pillows. It has a sweet flavor and is also soft. My Odading recipe is a bit different. It's quite simple as I don't use yeast and I don't knead or proof the dough. This snack is suitable to be consumed with coffee or tea.

Odading Recipe (yield 24 pcs)

280 g all-purpose flour
1-1/4 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1 pc egg
110 g milk
20 ml oil
4-1/2 tbsp sugar
1/2 tsp salt
1 tbsp powdered milk
20 g white sesame seeds
Cooking oil, as needed

1. Combine the milk, sugar, and egg. Mix until the sugar is dissolved, then add the oil in.
2. Combine the flour, powdered milk, salt, baking soda, and baking powder in a bowl. Stir with chopsticks and pour the wet ingredients in slowly while stirring with the chopsticks until a dough is formed.
3. Knead the dough by hands until the surface is smooth, not until elastic. Rest at room temp for 2 hours, covered by plastic wrap or a clean cloth. Then, rest overnight in the fridge.
4. Rub the cutting board, the rolling pin, and both hands with oil. Roll the dough lengthwise to a 1-cm thickness. Spray some water on the surface and sprinkle the sesame seeds. Roll the dough once more to ±0.5-cm thick and slice it to ±4 x 6 cm big or to your liking.
5. Heat the oil on medium heat. Add the Odading in and swirl them around so they expand. Fry until golden brown.
6. Odading is ready to serve.


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