1 Views· 31 October 2022
[EngSub]原以为是个苹果,一刀下去,才发现是个王者 Granny Smith Mousse Cake by Cédric Grolet【青苹果慕斯】
一款由世界顶级甜品师Cédric Grolet(水果哥)发明的传说级别难度的甜点。除了烤箱不用什么都要用,你们谁想试试?
This absolutely stunning beauty is invented by a genius pastry chef, Cédric Grolet, from Spa Valmont pour Le Meurice, Paris. I bought his recipe book and replicated it from scratch. A super long journey before finally reaching a tiring yet successful and satisfying end :)
参考书籍:Fruit: The Art of Pastry https://amzn.to/3aa5Ibo
苹果胶:苹果汁140g,柠檬汁25g,砂糖10g,果胶(nh pectin)2g
苹果外皮:白巧克力250g,可可脂250g,黄色素2g(3/8 tsp),绿色素2.5g(1/2 tsp),香草精3g(1/2 tsp)
Apple gel: apple juice 140g, lemon juice 25g, sugar 10g, NH pectin 2g
Apple center: apple gel from above, fruit wine 5g, dill 2g, 1 granny smith (260g)
White chocolate ganache: gelatin powder 6g, water 30g, whipping cream 140g, white chocolate 80g, apple juice 30g, fruit wine 5g
Apple coating: white chocolate 250g, cacao butter 250g, yellow coloring ⅜ tsp, green coloring ½ tsp, vanilla extract ½ tsp
Apple glaze: gelatin powder 15g, water 195g, sugar 225g, corn syrup 225g, 2 drops of green coloring, yellow color ⅞ tsp, condensed milk 130g, white chocolate 240g, edible silver sheet 0.375g
【我的工具/My Tools】
NH果胶/NH Pectin https://amzn.to/2U769xv
银粉/Silver sheet https://amzn.to/2Wt7Nvf
苹果模具/Apple Mousse Mold https://amzn.to/2QxsWAo
内心圆形模具/Round silicon mold https://amzn.to/2QwMHbC
食物温度计/Food thermometer (类似款) https://amzn.to/36buTI8
玫瑰金量杯量勺/Rose Gold Measuring Cup https://amzn.to/2QH3slg
OXO量杯/OXO 4-Cup Angled Measuring Cup https://amzn.to/2KIxy3X
手持搅拌器/KitchenAid Hand Blenderhttps://amzn.to/3d0cxyf
搅拌机/Blender: Vitamix A2300 Ascent Series https://amzn.to/2XxV4G6
单立人三德刀/JA Henckels International Knife Set https://amzn.to/34glPBy
小奶锅/Saucepan(类似款) https://amzn.to/38lkTOE
Music: Today's receipe本日のレシピ
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#AppleMousse #苹果慕斯 #CédricGrolet