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Veritasium is so full of... whooy funny comb-over


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email: ds@donotgo.com
new video : DraftScience vs comments and such [4/30/22]: http://www.efilism.com/ds/dp206.html
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re: How Entanglement Breaks The Universe ... The Science Asylum [4/15/22]: http://www.efilism.com/ds/dp197.html
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Free Energy you can't use and free speech you can't have [4/4/22]: http://efilism.com/ds/dp187.html
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DraftPhysics vs Dispar Vulgo ...more Air track bs [4/2/22]: http://efilism.com/ds/dp185.html
DraftPhysics vs Dispar Vulgo ...mv vs 1/2vmv [4/2/22]: http://efilism.com/ds/dp184.html
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DraftPhysics on Photons ...Ray vs Wave [3/30/22]: http://efilism.com/ds/dp182.html
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DraftPhysics vs more stupid comments and some Questions [3/27/22]: http://efilism.com/ds/dp179.html
DraftPhysics vs stupid comments and some more Questions [3/26/22]: http://efilism.com/ds/dp178.html
DraftPhysics on how springs work? [3/25/22]: http://efilism.com/ds/dp177.html
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DraftPhysics vs more dumb comments ..hooks law [3/19/22] : http://efilism.com/ds/dp174.html
More KE vs MV [3/18/22]: http://efilism.com/ds/dp173.html
KE = Free Energy (some Brozo bs) [3/17/22]: http://efilism.com/ds/dp172.html
BroZo history ...re: photons [3/16/22]: http://efilism.com/ds/dp171.html
KE Overview [3/14/22]: http://efilism.com/ds/dp170.html
DraftPhysics vs BroZo and the other Clowns [3/12/22]: http://efilism.com/ds/dp168.html
1/2 vmv
Was willfully created to Force reality to match religious daydreams. The history of its creation, defense, and eventual acceptance is a mockery of the scientific method. Truth was forsaken for agenda, evidence was exaggerated distorted and quote mined to support a plainly silly notion of reality...

""If I'm in space and I throw a 2 L bottle of coke (2 kg) away from me at 1mph., do I received the same thrust if I shoot a dime (2 grams) away from me at 1000mph.? If so isn't this proof against the kinetic energy formula?""

""Is there any physical evidence defending the kinetic energy theorem? The theory says an 8 lb bowling ball will produce twice as much "energy" as a 16 pound ball thrown with the same effort. No pro bowler can make A lighter ball work. Why? ""

#KineticEnergy #theoreticalphysics #Veritasium

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