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71.8K Views· 04 January 2023

Dog vs Little Zombies Apocalypse! Funny Dogs Maymo & Potpie Open Zombie Kids Daycare


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Watch Funny Dogs Maymo and Potpie vs Little Zombies Apocalypse! It’s a lazy dog day at Maymo’s house, until a zombie drops off a trash bag full of zombie babies and zombie kids. At first the cute beagle dogs react to the walking dead intruders by biting them and knocking them over, but they soon realize this is futile, as you can’t kill something that’s already dead! The funny dogs hatch a plan to run a zombie baby daycare, and before they know it, they have their hands full with little zombies jumping around in a bounce house, going down the stairs on skateboards, and pushing around the little monsters in baby carriages.

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Maymo & Friends: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLA2SA_Le8jNYFFR3LZ4GLHukZsnUxConk&playnext=1
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