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1 Views· 18 December 2022

Mint Kohakuto Amber Sugar Candy Wagashi ミント 琥珀糖



ひんやり さっぱり 夏にピッタリ!ハッカ油を入れた琥珀糖を作りました(石鹸じゃないよ)。色はかき氷シロップでミントのイメージに着色。夏場、特に湿度の高い梅雨の時期は乾燥しにくく、琥珀糖を作るのに向かない季節と言われますが、エアコンの力を借りたら、ちゃんと乾燥してくれました。これ、チョコをつけたらチョコミント琥珀糖になるね。

1.きれいに洗った牛乳パックに緑と青のかき氷シロップを入れ準備する。緑 2ml、青 1ml。
2.鍋に水 200gと粉寒天 5gを入れ混ぜる。
4.グラニュー糖 330gを入れ、沸騰したら焦がさないように混ぜながら煮詰める。
8.残りの寒天液に緑のかき氷シロップを入れ混ぜる。緑 2ml。寒天液が薄まってしまうので、かき氷シロップは合わせて小さじ 1 以内までにする。

#ミント #琥珀糖 #夏 #レシピ #Wagashi

Cool, refreshing, and perfect for summer! We made amber candy with peppermint oil (it's not soap). We used shaved ice syrup to color it like mint.

The summer, especially during the rainy season when the humidity is especially high, is thought of as a bad time to make amber candy because it does not dry easily. However, we were able to dry it using the power of AC.

By adding chocolate to it, it becomes chocolate mint amber candy.

1. Add green and blue shaved ice syrup in a milk carton that has been cleaned well for preparation. 2 mL of green and 1 mL of blue.
2. Add 200 g of water and 5 g of powder agar in a pot and stir.
3. Put it over heat and when it boils, allow it to heat for 2 minutes over low heat until it dissolves.
4. Add 330 g of granulated sugar and when it boils, stir it so that it does not burn while boiling it down.
5. Boil it down until the agar solution is stringy when you pick it up with a spatula. Heat for about 7 to 8 minutes after it started boiling.
6. Add a few drops of peppermint oil. 4 drops this time. This is perfect for me.
7. Pour about 2/3 into the milk carton from (1) while straining it with a sieve.
8. Add green shaved ice syrup to the remaining agar solution and stir. 2 mL of green. Since the agar solution will be diluted, don't use more than 1 teaspoon of shaved ice syrup combined.
9. Pour (8) into the milk carton from (7).
10. Cool it in the refrigerator for about 2 hours and allow it to harden thoroughly.
11. Cut open the milk carton and remove the amber candy.
12. Cut it into pieces. It is difficult to cut it nice and straight.
13. Place them on parchment paper and allow them to dry while flipping them over from time to time.
14. Done. Enjoy the crunchy, springy texture when you eat it.

At the time of filming, it has been about 18 hours since we started drying it. The longer you wait, the thicker the outer crystals become, making it even more crunchy.

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