373 Views· 03 October 2023
Can Robots Clean Sewers Better Than People? | World Wide Waste | Insider Business
Cleaning sewers by hand is one of the most dangerous jobs in South Asia. India outlawed the practice 10 years ago, and today, one company hires former sewer divers to do it using robots. This comes as sewers around the world are failing to keep up with growing populations, climate change, and a growing list of things that should not be flushed.
Intro | 00:00
Sewer History | 1:48
Genrobotics | 4:21
Robots In Action | 6:27
Bandicoot Production | 7:51
Global Problems | 9:32
Conclusion | 11:47
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#Sewers #WorldWideWaste #InsiderBusiness
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Can Robots Clean Sewers Better Than People? | World Wide Waste | Insider Business