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1.7K Views· 11 November 2022

Decorazioni pasta di zucchero (Sugar paste shoe) by ItalianCakes


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Decorazioni pasta di zucchero: scarpa (pdz) by ItalianCakes.
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#italiancakes: Le basi della pasticceria e del #cakedesign. Ricette, istruzioni e guide passo passo per realizzare torte decorate (torte di compleanno, torte nuziali, ecc.) usando le vari tecniche decorative (#pastadizucchero, pastillage, cioccolato plastico, crema di burro, ecc.). Nuovi video ogni settimana.

Acquista gli accessori indispensabili: https://amzn.to/2X6AvPJ

Vistitaci su http://www.italiancakes.it
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/italiancakes
Google+: http://plus.google.com/+italiancakes

How to realize sugar paste shoe decorations by italiancakes.
The basics of pastry and cake design. Recipes, instructions and step-by-step guides to make decorated cakes (birthday cakes, wedding cakes, etc..) Using various decorative techniques (sugar paste, pastillage, plastic chocolate, butter cream, etc..). New videos each week.
Subscribe to Youtube channel: http://www.youtube.com/subscri....ption_center?add_use
Official website http://www.italiancakes.net
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/italiancakes.net

Guarda questa super ricetta: "Ricetta: come fare le crepes alla Nutella facili e veloci by ItalianCakes"
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