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2.3K Views· 02 September 2022

데이브 [나라별 캐릭터 이름 발음 차이 WITH 씬님,박PD,에리나,브아이] English,Korean, Japanese, Chinese, Cartoon Pronunciations


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안녕하세요! 오늘은.. 오랜만에 발음 차이! 이번에 나라별 캐릭터 이름 발음 차이~ 캐릭터 이름이나 영활 이름 다 똑같은줄 알았는데 다 너무 다르네요. 촬영 정말 재미있었는데 여러분 그만큼 재미있게 봐줬으면 좋겠어요. 감사합니다! 그리고 오늘 스페셜 게스트...씬님 + 박PD! 나와줘서 너무 감사합니다. 씬님 채널 - https://goo.gl/6EQMU6
So, it's been a while since I've done a proununciation difference between countries, so here you guys go! :D We compared the names of different characters/movies in English, Korean, Japanese, and Chinese. You'd think they'd be similary named, but they're quite different. It was a lot of fun filming this, so I hope you guys enjoy. Special guests is Beauty Youtuber Ssinnim and her brother Park PD. Her Channel - https://goo.gl/6EQMU6

구독/subscribe - http://goo.gl/bX8RUx
인스타/Insta - Dave - daebbuing, SSin - ssinnim, Park PD - PKJIN9621, 에리나 - erina_hrn, Vai - Zheyijin_vai
페북/ Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/daebbuing

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