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4 Views· 11 August 2022

大王陪爸爸出门看望病人,带上初次出门兜风的来福 Dawang followed dad to visit patients and brings Laifu with him for a drive



Dad's sister was not feeling well for the past few days and rested at home. Dad prepared some daily necessities and planned to take them to her after receiving the call. Of course, Dawang would not miss this opportunity for a drive. Dad didn't leave Laifu behind. Bring Laifu and Dawang went out to visit his sister the sick and went for a ride. They sent blessings and supplies to dad's sister, hoping that she can recover to a healthy body as soon as possible🥰

Hello, everyone. I am Dianxi Xiaoge, a Yunnan local. Welcome to the new channel of Dawang and me. If you like Dawang as well, please do subscribe. I’ll post some daily footage of Dawang in the village from time to time. Hope you will find Dawang adorable and like him just like us.

#大王 #Dawang #阿盆姐 #Apenjie

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