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4519 Views· 15 December 2024

Street Food meets Fine Dining | German Classic Dishes | Sauerbraten | Amazing Street Food in Berlin


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Welcome to our new “Amazing Street Food in Berlin” Episode with "Street Food meets Fine Dining”, where we were Guests at Piechas BioBuffet, Butcher Shop & Catering.
Sauerbraten, Bratwurst, Burger, Pork Belly cooked for 24 Hours and other Dishes are the Stars of this Episode. Not only will you get an insight into an absolutely Unique Street Food Deluxe meets High Class Restaurant meets Butcher Shop Concept, but you can also see how a Sauerbraten is made and how a Beef Stock is made. And all of this served by Chefs who have trained or worked in Top-Class Restaurants.
This “Shop-Restaurant“ („Ladenlokal“), as the owner Ulrike Piecha herself describes it, is a Place where she and her colleagues offer people German Cuisine at a very high level with Organic Quality and work very closely with the Farmers according to a particularly sustainable Concept in order to be able to offer your Guests a unique taste experience.

[1] Piechas BioBuffet, ButcherShop & Catering / Marheineke Markthalle, Kreuzberg, Berlin

Marheinekepl. 15, 10961 Berlin

Tuesday to Friday from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m
Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/piechas
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BioBuffet
Website: https://piechas.business.site

[2] A whole Organic Cow is parried

[3] All Sauces are Handmade & Organic

[4] Bratwurst from Saddle Pig

[5] Pork Belly with Apple Sauerkraut, Mashed Potatoes & Asian Jus

[6] Fresh Ground Beef

[7] Bacon-Cheesburger with Egg & Classic Bacon-Burger

[8] Making Beef Stock / Part 1

[9] Königsberger Klopse

[10] Everything Handmade - including the Pickled Ones like Beetroot

[11] Making a Classic German "Sauerbraten" Dish

[12] Young Wild Boar Medaillons

[14] Wild Jus & Stock are Homemade

[15] Medaillons from Young Wild Boar with Thyme Carrots & Gratin

[16] Making Beef Stock / Part 2

[17] Rendered Beef Fat

[18] Apple Vinegar & Juice are added to the Red Wine & Orange Broth

[19] Leave to Marinate in the Refrigerator for 5 Days

[20] Making Beef Stock / Part 3

[21] All Stocks, Jus & Consommé are produced In-House

[22] Steak-Frites with Salad & Café de Paris Butter

[23] Ribs from Saddle Pig

[24] “Sauerbraten” which has already been marinated for 5 Days

[25] 3 Hours at 140°C / 285°F

[26] German-Classic “Sauerbraten” with Potato Dumplings, Gravy & Red Cabbage

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