3 Views· 20 August 2022
パクチーモリモリ💕サルサ素麺 ⭐️楽々健幸料理⭐️ SALSA SOMEN NOODLES #素麺 #サルサ #パクチー
レシピだけじゃなく、「Today's Word」などいろんな豆知識をゲットできるのもこのチャンネルの魅力です! ただ見るだけ、食べるだけじゃなく、知ってから見たり食べたりするとさらに世界が広がります!!
This is the channel produced by AO, a vegetable sommelier and healthy food researcher living in Bangkok. With the theme of "telling the charm of Thai food", this channel introduces Thai food, especially simple recipes using Thai local ingredients, and food that you have encountered at the market or while travelling.
And it's not just the recipes, you also get all sorts of trivia like the Today's Word, which is another attraction of this channel! You don't just watch and eat, you can learn about it beforehand, and that opens up your world even more!
今回のSALADee COOKingは、「タイで楽しむ楽々健康料理!」シリーズ、暑い日にピッタリ! パクチー好き必見のサルサ素麺をご紹介します。「Today's Word」は、サルサ🌶
[Easy healthy cooking to enjoy in Thailand!]
This edition of SALADee COOKing is the "Easy Healthy Cooking in Thailand! series, perfect for hot days! Introducing salsa somen noodles, a must-have for pakchi lovers. In addition, the 'Today's Word' will explain salsa.
The video is subtitled in Japanese. As there are many areas where the video and commentary are out of sync, it is recommended that you view the video with the subtitles displayed. English subtitles will also be available, so please make good use of them.
00:00 オープニング Opening.
01:08 「Today's Word」サルサとは? 'Today's Word' What is Salsa?
04:11 サルサのベース The base of Salsa
07:44 サルサのレシピ Salsa recipes
08:26 素麺の茹で方 How to boil somen noodles
10:02 盛付け Serving
11:05 エンディング Ending
(サルサのベース☆2人分くらい/ Salsa base ☆about 2 servings)
トマト 400g tomatoes
タマネギ 50g onion
ニンニク 1片 1 clove garlic
オリーブオイル 10g olive oil
塩 3g salt
胡椒 1g black pepper
(1) トマトは種とゼリー部分をとって角切り、タマネギ、ニンニクはみじん切りにします
(2) オリーブオイルに塩胡椒をよく混ぜて溶かしたら、全ての材料をよく混ぜます。
(サルサ素麺 ☆1人分/ Salsa somen noodles☆1 serving)
サルサベースプーン大盛り4 table spoon of Salsa base
パクチー 好きなだけ coliandar as you like
タバスコ 2ふり 2 drops of tabasco sauce
オリーブオイル 少々 a little olive oil
素麺 1人分 Somen Noodles for 1person
麺つゆ(3倍濃縮) 大さじ2 2 tbs of noodle soup (3 times cocentrated)
水+氷 大さじ4 4 tbs of water and ice
(1) サルサベースをボウルにとって、みじん切りにしたパクチーと混ぜます
(2) タバスコとオリーブオイルを加えてよくかき混ぜます
(3) 麺つゆの用意をしておきます
(4) 素麺を茹でます。フライパンに沸騰させた湯にパラパラと素麺を入れて軽くかき混ぜて蓋をして、火から下ろして、規定の茹で時間プラス1分程度置きます。
(5) 素麺をよ〜く洗って冷やし、ザルにとって水分を切ります。
(6) 器に盛って、麺つゆをかけていただきます
(1) Take the salsa base in a bowl and mix it with the chopped pakchi.
(2) Add the Tabasco and olive oil and stir well.
(3) Prepare the sauce for the noodles.
(4) Boil the somen noodles. Add somen noodles to boiling water in a frying pan, stir gently, cover, remove from heat and leave to cook for the prescribed cooking time plus 1 minute.
(5) Wash the somen thoroughly, cool and drain in a colander.
(6) Serve in bowls and pour over the noodles.
1996年12月 日系銀行のカスタマーサービス係として駐在
1998年12月 退職後自分探しの旅 健幸料理研究家として食の道にすすむ
2012年 健幸料理の店「SALADee」をオープン
2021年 SALADee閉店 ユーチューバーをめざす
Profile of ☆Ao☆.
Healthy Cooking Researcher, Vegetable Sommelier Professional, Athlete Food Meister Level 2
Secretary of "FUKINO KAI", Akita people's association in Thailand
1967 Born in Akita Prefecture
Dec 1996 Stationed as a customer service representative at a Japanese bank.
Dec 1998 Retired and started a journey of self-discovery, becoming a food researcher.
2012 Opens the healthy cuisine restaurant SALADee
2021 Closes SALADee with the aim of becoming a YouTube star.