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0 Views· 22 September 2022

Resep DENDENG BATOKOK BALADO Dua Varian: Basah & Kering!


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00:00 : intro
00:57 : persiapan bahan (prepping the ingredients)
02:10 : masak daging (cooking the meat)
03:54 : membuat sambal balado (making Sambal Balado)
05:15 : penjelasan kompor induksi (explaining the induction stove)
07:09 : pipihkan dan pukul-pukul daging (flattening and pounding the meat)
07:54 : membuat dendeng basah (making grilled Dendeng)
08:38 : membuat dendeng kering (making fried Dendeng)

#ResepDendengBatokok #ResepDendengBalado #ResepSambalBalado #ResepDevinaHermawan


Resep Dendeng Batokok (untuk 2-3 porsi)

1 kg daging sapi gandik
15 siung bawang putih, geprek, haluskan
6 butir kemiri
1 batang serai, iris
2 iris lengkuas
2 lembar daun salam
800 ml air kelapa
½ sdm garam
1 sdt penyedap

Sambal balado:
8 buah cabai merah besar, potong
20 buah cabai keriting, potong jadi dua
8 buah cabai rawit, potong, opsional
15-18 bawang merah, geprek
½ sdt garam
½ sdt penyedap
Jeruk nipis / asam kandis, opsional

1. Potong tipis daging, lalu cincang halus kemiri dan bawang putih
2. Panaskan minyak, tumis bawang putih dan kemiri, aduk rata, tambahkan serai, lengkuas, dan daun salam, tumis hingga wangi
3. Masukkan daging, air kelapa, garam, penyedap, dan merica, masak selama satu jam hingga daging empuk
4. Untuk sambal, panaskan minyak, tumis cabai merah, cabai keriting, cabai rawit, dan bawang merah, aduk rata, lalu tambahkan sedikit air ungkepan daging, garam dan penyedap masak hingga minyak keluar
5. Angkat daging, pipihkan dan geprek hingga tipis
6. Untuk daging basah, panaskan wajan, tuang sedikit air rebusan dendeng, masukkan daging hingga air menyusut, lalu panggang hingga kecokelatan
7. Untuk daging goreng, panaskan minyak, lalu goreng hingga kecokelatan dan kering
8. Pindahkan ke dalam piring, masukkan sambal di atas daging, lalu tambahkan perasan jeruk nipis
9. Dendeng batokok siap disajikan

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Dendeng Batokok Recipe (yield: 2-3 servings)

1 kg beef, silverside
15 clove garlic, pounded, minced
6 pc candlenut
1 pc lemongrass, sliced
2 slice galangal
2 pc bay leaf
800 ml coconut water
½ tbsp salt
1 tsp flavor enhancer

Sambal Balado:
8 pc large red chili, sliced
20 pc curly chili, sliced in two
8 pc bird’s eye chili, sliced, optional
15-18 pc shallot, pounded
½ tsp salt
½ tsp flavor enhancer
Lime / asam kandis, optional

1. Slice the meat thinly. Then, chop the candlenuts and garlic finely.
2. Heat some oil and sauté the garlic and candlenuts. Stir, then add the lemongrass, galangal, and bay leaves. Sauté until fragrant.
3. Add the meat, coconut water, salt, flavor enhancer, and pepper in. Cook for 1 hour until the meat is tender.
4. For the Sambal, heat some oil and sauté the red chili, curly chili, bird’s eye chili, and shallots. Stir, then add a bit of the meat braising liquid, salt, and flavor enhancer. Cook until the oil seeps out.
5. Remove the meat, then flatten and pound until thin.
6. For the grilled version, heat the pan and add a bit of the braising liquid. Add the meat in and cook until the liquid is reduced, then grill until browned.
7. For the fried version, heat some oil and fry until browned and crisp.
8. Transfer to a plate and top with the Sambal. Add lime juice.
9. Dendeng Batokok is ready to serve.


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