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7 Views· 12 September 2023

SELF CHECK: 6 Signs You're Becoming A Toxic Person


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Psych Not2Go

Toxic traits aren’t always obvious – they can go unchecked for a while. It can be challenging to look inward and consider whether you have these traits, but it can also give you the opportunity to become a better friend, family member, and significant other. In this video, we’ll be learning about 6 signs that you’re becoming a toxic person.

0:38 - You're argumentative
1:08 - You never own up to mistakes
1:51 - You can't seem to avoid drama
2:26 - You are jealous and possessive
3:03 - You are overly competitive
3:39 - You are extremely critical to others

Disclaimer: If you notice you have some of these tendencies, there’s no need to feel down on yourself! The goal is to help you reflect and see if there are any areas for improvement in your communication style or behaviors that you could benefit from changing. Let’s jump into it!

Are you unintentionally toxic, but not malicious? Check out this video to find out: https://youtu.be/srWnj8l-NkA

Writer: Monique Zizzo (new writer)
Script Editor: Vanessa Tao
Script Manager: Kelly Soong
VO: Amanda Silvera (www.youtube.com/amandasilvera)
Animator: Krisha Que (www.youtube.com/channel/UCBDeFiZRypELJVvWgK3Orfw)
Production Assistant: Thomas Kang
YouTube Manager: Cindy Cheong

Brown, L. (2022, May 5). “Am I toxic?” – 25 clear signs you’re toxic to others around you. Hack Spirit. hackspirit.com/am-i-toxic/
Champion, L. (2020, August 26). 15 Traits of Toxic People to Watch Out For. PureWow. www.purewow.com/wellness/traits-of-toxic-people
Eatough, E. (2022, January 12). 25 toxic personality traits to spot in yourself and others. BetterUp. www.betterup.com/blog/toxic-traits
Lamothe, C. (2022, January 11). Is Your Relationship Toxic? What to Look For. Healthline. www.healthline.com/health/toxic-relationship
Meyerowitz, A. (2020, May 15). Toxic people: 7 warning signs a person is toxic. Red Online. www.redonline.co.uk/health-sel....f/self/a28577908/sig
van Edwards, V. (2022, March 7). 7 Types of Toxic People and How to Spot Them. Science of People. www.scienceofpeople.com/toxic-people/

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