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2,835 Views· 08 September 2022

MEGALODON: 10 Facts About The Biggest Shark Ever !


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Learn some incredible facts about megalodon. This huge and prehistoric shark has a lot to tell, and in these 10 facts you will know more about the biggest shark of all the times.

-The biggest shark ever known
Since the megalodon had a skeleton made from cartilage, only some teeth and vertebrae were fossilized. To determine their dimensions, scientists have elaborated complicated equations.

-A controversial shark
Most researchers think that the megalodon carcharodon belonged to the same family as their cousins, the carcharodon carcharias, that is, the white shark.

-Cold and dangerous home
The megalodon lived in a period ranging from 23 to 2.6 million years during a period known as Neogene, in which the earth was much colder than today.

-The baby megalodon
Female megalodons traveled to the coastal areas to give birth. The offspring measured between 6.5 and 11 feet in length at birth, they were as long as a cow.

-Terrifying denture
The megalodon’s deadly weapons were its triangular teeth, shaped like a saw with a thick base. The largest tooth found is 7.1 inches tall, enough to go through any human limb.

-Wrinkled vertebrae
The megalodon is one of the animals with more vertebrae in its skeleton; it is believed that in total they had about 200.

-Spiral Excrement
In South Carolina, a fossilized piece of megalodic excrement measuring 5.5 inches was found and has a spiral shape.

-Predilection for whales
You must be wondering who were unfortunate enough to be bitten by the megalodon, then was eaten and digested in its spiral valve: the answer is whales.

The biggest shark in history now has its own movie, and many lovers of the Megalodon will go to see it.

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