2.3K Views· 02 September 2022
방송인에서 아빠가 된 샘해밍턴의 진솔한 이야기(아빠가되기전과후의삶) From a TV personality to a Father - The Life of Sam Hammington
안녕하세요! 오늘 영상은 좀 깁니다. 하지만 그만큼 의미 있고 뺄 내용이 하나도 없었어요..이번 토크로 샘 형에게 더 깊이 알게 되고, 부모로서 아이들에게 대하는 태도, 달라진 생활이나 마음가짐에 대해도 들을 수 있어서 의미 있었어요! 샘형 그냥 형만 아니라 나의 롤모델이였는데, 여러분 이 영상 재미있게 봤으면 좋겠어요, 감사합니다-
I know this video's a long one, but I felt there wasn't really anything I wanted to take out. Sam Hammington has been a huge TV personality in Korea for the last decade, and his career has seen many different changes. Not just as a friend, but Sam has always been a role model to me, so we sit down & talk to Sam. I hope you guys enjoy this video
데이브 채널 구독하기/Subscribe! - http://goo.gl/bX8RUx
샘/Sam's Channel - http://tiny.cc/bvmkbz
인스타그램/Instagram - [Dave - daebbuing] [Sam - samhammington]
페이스북/Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/daebbuing
#샘해밍턴 #윌리엄 #벤틀리
Track Name: "Alone Two Days Ago"
Music by Artificial.Music @ https://soundcloud.com/artificial-music
- License for commercial use: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0) License.
Full License HERE - https://creativecommons.org/licenses/...
- The music featured within this video has been remixed and adapted in a constructive manner to transform the original track.
Music promoted by NCM https://goo.gl/fh3rEJ
► Music Credit: Dj Quads
Track Name: "A Coffee To Go"
Music By: Dj Quads @ https://soundcloud.com/aka-dj-quads
Original upload HERE - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_WrH9...
royalty free Music by Giorgio Di Campo for FreeSound Music
original video: (link to original clip in our channel)