213.2K Views· 01 February 2023
PZ try to PAUSE ME but I have trick up my sleeve!
▶ PLAY MIND SHIELD https://spyninja.page.link/vyyoutube
After Chad Wild Clay made VY TAKEN by PROJECT ZORGO! MISSING in TUNNEL (Trapped In Abandoned Hacker Escape Room Challenge) CWC, Daniel uploaded the video SAFE HOUSE is a TRAP by PROJECT ZORGO? (Escape Room Vlog Spying IRL 24 Hours Challenge), and Vy Qwaint created VY vs HACKERS in Real Life NINJA BATTLE Royale (Project Zorgo Chase in Safe House Vent Tunnel) CWC, Chad, Vy and Daniel track PZ4 to solve the mystery of if they can trust her. They see her vlogging on her iPhone and decide they must take her device in order to figure out the truth. Vy uses her spy gadgets to get the iPhone X, but Project Zorgo catches her and challenges the CWC crew to a ninja gadget battle royale in real life! They successfully defeat the hackers and make their way to the new safe house in their extreme makeover tesla model x / DeLorean! Chad, Vy and Daniel enter the safe house and get trapped for 24 hours at 3am. Could it be an abandoned haunted house? CWC finds an ebay mystery box with ninja gadgets and Vy has to crawl through secret tunnels and vents to help Daniel escape. PZ4 finds out while Vy is having a secret discussion with Daniel. This angers PZ4 into battling Vy Qwaint in a Ninja Battle Royale in real life! Vy Qwaint eventually defeats the hacker, but she disappears! In this video the Spy Ninjas, Vy Qwaint, Chad Wild Clay and Daniel crawl through the secret tunnels to escape the not-so-safe house escape room. All of a sudden, Vy Qwaint gets taken by Project Zorgo and goes missing in the vent. PZ4 gets a hold of her and conducts experiment B235 on Vy in hopes to get her to join Project Zorgo. Little does PZ4 know, Vy Qwaint has been training her mind using Mind Shield on the Spy Ninja Network. Vy is successfully able to resist the B235 as well as the Pause Challenge. However, that does not stop PZ4 from taking her to the Project Zorgo Headquarters! Hopefully Chad and Daniel can find Vy Qwaint to defeat the hackers! Thank you for watching my entertainment comedy videos in 2019!
Watch my friend’s awesome videos:
Morgz - DONT Trust Fall Into The Wrong Mystery Pool - Challenge
Stephen Sharer - Discovered GAME Mystery Spy Evidence in Secret Hideout!! (Sharer Surprise Clues Hint)
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Most royalty free background music is from Epidemic Sounds. You can use their music in your videos by clicking here http://share.epidemicsound.com/mNMGH
7 days ago