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Android App Development Course for Beginners - Learn Android Development in 45 Hours



Android App Development Course for Beginners - Learn Android Development in 45 Hours

Chapters 👇
00:00:00 - Introduction & Environment Setup
00:17:23 - Android History
00:34:56 - Android Versions/Flavors
01:02:30 - What Is Ide?
01:10:06 - Set Up Android Studio On Windows
01:34:42 - Set Up Android Studio On MacOS
01:44:30 - Set Up Android Studio On Linux
01:56:24 - Frontend & Backend Languages(Java/Kotlin,XML)
02:10:31 - Running App Process(Adb & Avd)
02:18:34 - The Extension .Apk
02:21:15 - Create First Android Studio Project
03:06:02 - What Is Android Studio
03:55:50 - Create Android Virtual Device
04:20:50 - Execute Project On Android Screen(Avd)
04:26:14 - Executive Project On Android Screen(ADB)
04:36:34 - Debug Android Apps(Logcat, Toast, Breakpoints, Error Resolving)
04:48:35 - What Is XML
05:02:53 - Java Components| Introduction
05:16:55 - Set Up Java In Command Prompt
05:25:35 - Make First Java Class In Notepad(Hello World)
05:35:57 - Packages And Classes
05:45:19 - Datatypes
05:51:18 - Variables
05:59:24 - Methods
06:15:22 - Encapsulation
06:22:01 - Keyword & Identifiers
06:29:45 - Method Overloading
06:37:24 - Inheritance
06:54:59 - Method Overriding
07:08:22 - Objects And Calling
07:16:47 - Constructors
07:22:47 - Interface & Implements
07:26:46 - This,Static & Final Keyword
07:42:52 - Conditional Statements+
07:50:45 - If,If Else & If-Else
08:00:30 - Loops
08:07:21 - For & For Each Loop
08:16:03 - While & Do While
08:22:05 - String Operations
08:34:49 - Design In Android Apps(Layouts) Writing Code In XML
09:39:10 - Design In Android Apps (View)
10:15:40 - Design In Android Apps Using Drag And Drop
10:50:06 - Android Architecture
11:03:00 - Android Components
11:13:07 - Activity Lifecycle
11:22:57 - First Android App(Bmi)
12:07:58 - Make Tic-Tac-Toe
13:03:40 - Intent Passing
13:24:35 - Bundle Passing
13:42:29 - Make Splash Screen
14:01:31 - Android Animations
14:49:59 - Custom Animation(Lottie)
15:10:58 - Listview,Spinner & Autocompletetextview
15:48:04 - Styles And Themes
16:02:32 - Make App Universal(Screen Compatible)
16:12:43 - Material Ui(Card View)
16:29:17 - Recycler View
17:31:59 - Add/Delete And Update Items In Recycler View
18:08:01 - Animating The Items Of Recycler View
18:23:22 - Create Your Own Toolbar
19:11:19 - Create Your Own Drawable
20:01:58 - Toast
20:14:59 - Custom Toast
20:45:43 - Logcat
21:03:24 - Alert Dialogs
21:40:07 - Custom Dialogs
21:58:45 - Status Bar Notifications
22:30:45 - Customizing Notifications
22:57:17 - Making Calls, Dailing, Sending Mails & Sharing App Installation Link
23:34:48 - Introduction To Android
24:33:04 - Tab Layout
25:07:05 - Bottom Navigation View
25:44:13 - Navigation Drawer
26:30:01 - Data Passing In Fragment
26:44:38 - Managing Fragment back stack
26:54:30 - Implement Google Maps
27:37:38 - Map Overlays
27:49:58 - Geocoder
28:11:12 - Introduction To Dynamic Apps
28:27:23 - Receiving HTTP Response(JSON)
28:35:17 - What Is JSON Response
28:49:45 - Parsing Response
29:17:02 - Parsing Response(Post API)
29:47:41 - Webview
30:08:34 - Shared Preferences
30:41:53 - Database
30:45:00 - Introducing Solite
30:53:33 - Sqliteopenhelper & Create A Database
31:15:56 - Open & Close Database
31:19:41 - Insert Data In Database(Insert)
31:29:51 - Fetch Data From A Database(Select)
31:45:07 - Work With Cursors Update, And Delete
32:09:00 - Database Room Library(Daily Expense App)
32:41:32 - Taking Pictures
32:43:55 - Get Pictures From Camera To App
33:02:54 - Get Pictures From Gallery To App
33:14:19 - Media Player(Audio)
33:44:16 - Video View
34:03:57 - How do Sensors work?
34:20:21 - Accelerometer Sensor And Its Application
34:33:20 - Proximity Sensor & Its Application
34:41:53 - Ambient Light Sensor & Its Applications
34:57:56 - Services And Receivers| Lifecycle
35:14:33 - Implementing A Service
35:27:46 - Alarm Manager
35:55:01 - Send & Receive Messages
36:18:02 - Introduction To Kotlin
36:31:28 - Setting Up Kotlin
36:38:29 - Classes In Kotlin
36:42:13 - First Program In Kotlin
36:45:30 - Variable & Types
36:49:49 - Val & Var Kotlin
36:54:37 - Methods In Kotlin
37:01:37 - Conditional Statement In Kotlin
37:09:05 - List In Kotlin
37:29:24 - For And For Each Loop
37:36:20 - While And Do While
37:40:39 - Triple, Pair In Kotlin
37:48:41 - Basic Syntax
38:00:00 - Intent Passing In Kotlin
38:05:11 - Recycler View In Kotlin
38:15:59 - Maps In Kotlin
38:20:37 - Introduction To Firebase
38:36:04 - Create A Firebase Project On Console
38:53:11 - Cloud Messaging(Push Notifications)
39:16:38 - Firestore(Realtime Database)
39:35:07 - What Are Ads?
39:48:02 - Implement Banner Ads
40:00:07 - Implement Interstitial Ads
40:12:51 - What Is Playstore?
40:19:03 - Creating Signed .Apk
40:30:19 - Make App Live On Google Playstore

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