2702 Views· 17 August 2023
Life After A Miscarriage & Our First Time Alone In Two Years » The BOHO DIARY Return 💫
two and a half years since we've posted on this 'other' Boho Beautiful channel.
and even more since we posted a Boho Diary.
but sometimes when you get called back.
it's important to listen.
to that feeling in your heart, intuitively,
the gravitational impulse that comes in the form of a quiet whisper.
to go back to yourself, to where it all began, to nature, to solitude, to yourself.
and this little art video is what we have to show for it.
Juliana & Mark ☮
*Shot at Lake Minnawanka, in Banff Jasper, Canada
.☀. .▲. .◆. .☾. .☀. .▲. .◆. .☾. .☀. .▲. .◆. .☾.
Boho Vans: https//:www.bohovans.life
COUPON CODE--- Beautiful
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LOCATION: Lake Minniwanka backcountry, Banff Alberta, Canada
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