4 Views· 07 October 2022
What is Sound? The Fundamental Science Behind Sound
Why does water sound the way it does? How do vinyl records work? Sound is everywhere, but at its core: What is sound? Also- What are sound waves? This video explains the fundamental science and key concepts behind sound using in-depth examples and animations.
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Table of Contents:
00:14 Intro
00:55 Section 1: A Popping Balloon
02:48 Section 2: Graph of a Sound Waveform
04:40 Section 3: The Sound of Water
05:31 Section 4: Orchestra
06:08 Section 5: Clarifications
07:20 Section 6: Orchestra Continued
07:52 Section 7: Vinyl Record Basics
08:47 Section 8: Outro
Key Branches from this video are: How do sound waves travel? Understanding Pressure. How ears work. How a microphone and speaker work. Understanding Air. Frequency and Amplitude. Loudness and intensity.
Visit our website: www.branch.education
Made by Teddy Tablante
Twitter @TeddyTablante
This is the fourth episode of Branch Education. Please provide comments, questions, and your thoughts.
400Hz = 0.002273s wavelength. The animation depicts 2 wavelengths, thus it is ~0.0045s
Animation built using Blender 2.79b https://www.blender.org/
Post with Adobe Premiere Pro and Adobe After Effects
Sound editing with Reaper
Work Cited:
Wikipedia contributors. "Speed of Sound." , "Sound." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, June 20th, 2018
Russell, Dan. (2016, August 5). “Acoustics and Vibration Animations.” www.acs.psu.edu/drussell/demos..../waves/wavemotion.ht
"Speed of Sound in common Solids." , The Engineering ToolBox
Music Attribution in Order:
Morning Dew from YouTube Audio Library
Under Cover by Wayne Jones from YouTube Audio Library
Marxist Arrow by Twin Musicom is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rBlLC...
Beethoven's 9th Symphony: 1895 Gustav Mahler Orchestration
BlendSwap Model Attribution: https://www.blendswap.com/
Violin from Nicolas DAmore
Cello from Hjolli
Flute from Gnotev
French Horn from GuillaumeCote
Piano from Johnson Martin
Trumpet from Jafem
Trombone from Diabolik
Gramophone from The Sage
#Sound #SoundWave #WhatIs