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1 Views· 14 November 2022

如何烤出不开裂的迷你乳酪蛋糕 - 附简易版的酥松饼底 Mini Cheesecakes - Including Easy Homemade Crust





1) 低筋面粉 - 100g
2) 杏仁粉 - 20g
3) 细砂糖 - 30g
4) 牛油 - 50g (冷藏,切成丁)
5) 蛋黄 - 1个

1) 把低筋面粉,杏仁粉,细砂糖和奶油放在盆里,用指尖边把牛油捏碎,边把干性材料搓入牛油中,直到成为颗粒状。
2) 加入蛋黄,用刮刀以切拌的方式拌均。
3) 玛芬烤盘放纸杯,把饼底材料放入纸杯,用小刮刀按平。
4) 事前预热烤箱,320°F/160°C,烤17分钟。关掉电源,把饼干留在烤箱里闷10分钟后才拿出来。放在一旁冷却备用。

**如果不想自制饼底,可以用市售的玛丽饼干或消化饼干取代。分量是大概100g饼干 + 45g的融化牛油。

1) 奶油奶酪 - 300g
2) 细砂糖 - 70g
3) 酸奶油 - 70g
4) 香草精 - 1 tsp
5) 柠檬汁 - 1 tsp
6) 鸡蛋 - 1 (A蛋)
7) 蛋黄 - 1

1) 奶油奶酪事前回温,用打蛋器搅打顺滑。
2) 加入细砂糖,搅打均匀。
3) 加入酸奶油,香草精和柠檬汁,搅打均匀。需适时停机,把附在盆旁边的材料刮进乳酪糊后再继续搅打。
4) 鸡蛋和蛋黄稍微打散,分两次加入乳酪糊,搅打均匀。
5) 把乳酪糊平均的放入每个纸杯。用手拍一拍烤盘底把气泡震破,再用牙签把表面的气泡弄破。(可以参考影片)
6) 事前预热烤箱,320°F/160°C,烤18-20分钟。烤好的乳酪蛋糕会鼓起,摸起来表面是干的,但轻轻按下去时内部是软的。
7) 移出烤箱放置冷却。乳酪蛋糕连同烤盘一起放入冰箱冷藏至少两个小时候才享用。


1) 无盐牛油 (融化) - 18g
2) 无糖优格 - 53g

Love these cute and adorable mini cheesecake. They are easily enjoy in these convenient cupcake form as you need not have to heat the knife for each cut. These mini cheesecakes are thick, smooth and creamy. Top with berries or blueberry sauce for extra favor, great for snack or teatime.

I decided to make my own crust from scratch. I use egg yolk and some almond flour to make the crust more crispy, so both crust and filing is more homogenous in texture. Preparation time is almost the same as you use the store-bought cookies, and importantly is you don't have to buy a whole box and use only a few for the crust.

Ingredients for crust:
1) Cake flour - 100g
2) Almond flour - 20g
3) Granulated sugar - 30g
4) Butter - 50g (cold, cubed)
5) Egg yolk - 1

Instructions for crust:
1) Put cake flour, almond flour, granulated sugar and cubed butter in a mixing bowl. Rub butter into dry ingredients with your finger tips until mixture resembles coarse crumbs.
2) Add egg yolk and mix with spatula until the mixture is evenly moistened.
3) Line muffin pan with liners and spread mixture evenly into each liners. Press firmly with spatula.
4) Bake in preheated oven 320°F/160°C for 17 mins。Turn the oven off and let the crust sit in the oven for 10 mins. Remove from the oven and allow to cool completely as you prepare the filling.

**The reason for leaving the crust in oven after baked is to make sure they're baked through. Besides, I want to have nice brown crust so the layers of crust and cheesecake will be more obvious.
**Feel free to use store bought cookies If you don't want to make the crust from scratch. All you have to do is mix 100g of crushed cookies with 45g of melted butter and press firmly into each liner. Bake the crust for 5 mins and remove from the oven to cool.

Ingredients for filling:
1) Cream Cheese - 300g
2) Granulated sugar - 70g
3) Sour cream - 70g
4) Pure vanilla extract - 1 tsp
5) Lemon juice - 1 tsp
Egg - 1 ( Grade A)
Egg yolk - 1

Instructions for filling:
1) Let cream cheese soften to room temperature. Beat with hand mixer until smooth.
2) Add in sugar and beat again until smooth and creamy.
3) Add sour cream, vanilla extract and lemon juice, beat until well combined. You can pause the mixer and scrape down the sides of the bowl periodically to make sure all ingredients are evenly incorporated.
4) Slightly scramble egg and yolk with a fork. Add in egg into the batter in 2 addition. Beat until just combined.
5) Divide batter between all the liners. Tap the bottom of the pan with your hand few times to get rid of the air bubbles, prick the small air bubbles with toothpick.
6) Bake in preheated oven 320°F/160°C for 18-20 mins。The cheesecakes are done when they puff and the centers are soft.
7) Remove the mini cheesecakes from oven and allow to cool on wire rack. Chill for at least 2 hours before serving.

**All ingredients should be at room temperature.
**Mini cheesecake might crack slightly. When they cool and sink slightly in the middle, the crack wouldn't be obvious.
**Use low/medium low speed to beat the batter. Beat until just combined, don't over mix especially when mixing the egg. Avoid opening the oven door while the cheesecake is baking inside. These will cause cracking.

Easy homemade sour cream:
1) Melted butter - 18g
2) No added sugar yogurt - 53g
Stir the two ingredients together. Place in the refrigerator at least one hour before using. Make sure both ingredients is at room temperature while stirring because butter will solidify if mixing with cold yogurt.

Wilton Non-stick Muffin Pan 玛芬模具: https://amzn.to/2zv4c6I
FB Page:https://www.facebook.com/yeercorner/

#迷你乳酪蛋糕 #乳酪蛋糕 #minicheesecake #cheesecake

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