6 Views· 14 July 2022
Build and Deploy a Realtime Chat Application - Socket.io, Node.js, and React.js
In this video, we will create a full Realtime Chat Application. We're going to use React on the front end, with NodeJS + Socket.io web socket library on the back end.
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By the end of this video, you will have a strong understanding of how to send and receive messages using web sockets and Socket.io to make any real-time application.
If you have troubles with create-react-app, make sure to run it as 'npx create-react-app', they've changed it since I posted this video.
📚 Materials/References:
GitHub Code (feel free to give it a star ⭐) - https://github.com/adrianhajdi....n/project_chat_appli
React Hooks Video - http://bit.ly/react_hooks
Icon 1: http://bit.ly/firstIcon
Icon 2: http://bit.ly/secondIcon
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#socketio #javascript #react