3749 Views· 13 September 2022
THE BATMAN (2021) - Catwoman First Look | Zoe Kravitz, Robert Pattinson Concept
Non-profit, fan made concept. No copyright infringement intended.
After seeing the first reveal of the Batsuit for THE BATMAN, I had to do a Catwoman trailer! I think Zoe Kravitz will do an amazing job.
I do not own the original thumbnail. The image is a fan made edit of Zoe as Selina by Tiago Ribeiro:
Twelve Titans Music - Exogenesis
Enjoy and subscribe for more!
Copyright Disclaimer: This video is protected under fair use. It uses brief clippings of existing media to communicate a new concept/idea that fans are able to consume as either celebratory or theoretical commentary on how a film/cinematic universe could look. This is often intended as parody and/or feminist critique on the typical male hero-trope either by providing light on female heroism in its place or by mimicking action trailer themes. It draws upon existing art to suggest new ventures and/or propose changes to current products.
#TheBatman #Catwoman #DC