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00:00 : intro
01:36 : persiapan bahan (prepping the ingredients)
03:04 : membuat saus krim ayam jamur (making the Creamy Chicken Mushroom Sauce)
05:40 : membuat rice pilaf (making the Rice Pilaf)
07:03 : susun di wadah dan panggang (assembling and baking)
07:37 : hidangan siap dan serving (the dish is ready to serve)

#ResepBakedRice #ResepNasiPanggang #ResepDevinaHermawan


Resep Chicken Mushroom Creamy Baked Rice (1 loyang)

Ayam jamur creamy:
¼ buah bawang bombai
8 buah jamur champignon
Minyak untuk menumis
1 sdm terigu
2 siung bawang putih, iris
200 gr ayam fillet
1 sdt mustard
300 ml susu
1 butir kuning telur
3 sdm parmesan
2 sdm mentega
½ sdt garam
¼ sdt merica
1 sdt gula

Rice pilaf:
150 ml beras
175 ml air kaldu
1 sdm mentega
½ sdt oregano
3 buah tomat cherry
¼ sdt bawang putih bubuk
¼ sdt bawang bombai bubuk

50 gr keju mozarella
25 gr keju parmesan
3 buah sosis, potong

1. Masukkan bawang bombai dan jamur ke dalam Beaba Babycook Solo Lychee, lalu blender hingga halus
2. Panaskan minyak, tumis hingga wangi lalu masukkan bawang putih
3. Cincang ayam fillet dengan Beaba Babycook Solo Lychee, tumis hingga wangi
4. Masukkan mentega dan tepung terigu di pinggir wajan lalu tambahkan mustard dan susu, aduk rata
5. Bumbui dengan garam, gula, dan merica, aduk rata dan masak hingga mengental kemudian matikan api
6. Masukkan keju parmesan dan kuning telur, aduk rata
7. Masukkan semua bahan rice pilaf ke dalam Beaba Pasta Rice-Cooker lalu pasang kedalam Beaba Babycook Solo Lychee yang sudah diberi air, masak hingga matang
8. Siapkan wadah tahan panas, letakkan rice pilaf lalu susun sosis diatasnya kemudian tuang ayam jamur creamy dan taburi mozarella dan parmesan di atasnya
9. Panggang dengan suhu 180-200°C selama 10-15 menit
10. Sajikan creamy baked rice dengan parsley cincang di atasnya

Jangan lupa cek Instagram @BEABA.INDO
Instagram: https://instagram.com/beaba.indo
Tokopedia: https://tokopedia.com/beaba-id?source=universe&st=product
Shopee: https://shopee.co.id/beabaofficial


Chicken Mushroom Creamy Baked Rice Recipe (yield: 1 pan)

Creamy Chicken Mushroom:
¼ pc onion
8 pc champignon mushroom
Oil for frying
1 tbsp flour
2 clove garlic, sliced
200 g chicken fillet
1 tsp mustard
300 ml milk
1 pc egg yolk
3 tbsp parmesan
2 tbsp butter
½ tsp salt
¼ tsp pepper
1 tsp sugar

Rice Pilaf:
150 ml rice
175 ml stock
1 tbsp butter
½ tsp oregano
3 pc cherry tomato
¼ tsp garlic powder
¼ tsp onion powder

50 g mozzarella
25 g parmesan
3 pc sausage, sliced

1. Add the onion and mushroom into the Beaba Babycook Solo Lychee. Blend until smooth.
2. Heat some oil and sauté the mushroom mix until fragrant. Then, add the garlic in.
3. Chop the chicken fillet using the Beaba Babycook Solo Lychee. Sauté until fragrant.
4. Add the butter and flour on the edge of the pan, then add mustard and milk. Stir.
5. Season with salt, sugar, and pepper. Mix well and cook until thickens. Then, turn the heat off.
6. Add the parmesan and egg yolk. Mix well.
7. Add all the Rice Pilaf ingredients into the Beaba Pasta Rice-Cooker. Then, place it into the Beaba Babycook Solo Lychee that has been filled with water. Let it cook.
8. Prepare a heat proof pan. Place the Rice Pilaf on the bottom, followed by sausages on top and the creamy mushroom sauce. Sprinkle with mozzarella and parmesan on top.
9. Bake at 180-200°C for 10-15 minutes.
10. Serve the Creamy Baked Rice with chopped parsley on top.


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