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280974 Views· 13 October 2022

Nora En Pure presents Purified 200 | Gstaad, Switzerland


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Celebrating 200 episodes of Purified Radio Nora En Pure takes the listeners to the stunning mountain scenery of Gstaad, Switzerland for a unique combination of her characteristic music and raw nature.

Special thanks to Gstaad, Switzerland & all collaborators involved as well as all the loyal listeners and supporters of Purified!

PS: Entire audio recording also on soundcloud: https://bit.ly/2P8KK3V
PS2: We can't switch off adds in any sets / radio shows due to third party content 💡

Location: Geltenbachfall, Gstaad, Switzerland
Film Crew: remediaprod.com
Film Crew 2 / Drone content: bemoved.ch
Tech Team: modernlight.ch

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