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0 Views· 19 September 2022

Shrimp Tomato Cream Pasta with Soy Milk 作り置きメニュー 豆乳でできるエビ トマトクリームパスタ



I can't eat out at this time, so I missed what I was eating outside and tried to make it at home. It's pretty good! It is a pasta menu of the Moso family that has become a standard. It's delicious not only as pasta but also as a soup to accompany bread. How about making it and meal-prep for your lunch menu?
*Recipe* (for 5 plates of pasta)
1.Finely chop 100 g of onion and 2 cloves of garlic.
2.Prepare the marinade with 2 tablespoons olive oil and a pinch of salt and pepper.
3.Peel the shrimp of your choice, open the back and remove the spines.Prepare 3 or 4 shrimp for each person. For this recipe, we will use 220g (20 prawns) with shells.
4.Add (3) to (2) and mix.
5.Marinate in the refrigerator for at least 1 hour. You can leave it overnight.

6.Put olive oil in a pan and bake only the shrimp from (5) in a good color and take it out.
7.In the same pan, add the marinade and saute until the onions are soft.
8.Add 90g of shimeji mushrooms (if you cut off the bottom of the 100g stock, the net weight will be 90g) and fry.
9.Add 400g of canned tomatoes.
10.Add 200ml of soy milk. You can also use fresh cream. In that case, add 100ml.
11.Add 2 consommé cubes and 1/2 tbsp soy sauce.
12.Put the shrimp from (6) back in and season with salt and pepper. We pack this into 5 equal portions and store them here. You can also freeze them.

13.Boil 100g of your favorite pasta in plenty of salted water for the indicated time.
14.Drain the water and let the pasta soak in water. I like it better this way because it doesn't get sticky, but you don't need to.
15.Warm the sauce of (12) and add (14). You can add olive oil.
16.Serve. Sprinkle with dried basil if you like.

#soymilk #shrimp #pasta


*レシピ*(パスタ 5皿分)
1.玉ねぎ 100g、ニンニク 2かけをみじん切りにする。
2.オリーブオイル 大さじ 2、塩コショウ 少々を入れ、マリネ液を作っておく。
1人分3、4尾になるように準備する。今回は殻つきのバナエビ 20尾 220gで作ります。

8.シメジ 90g(100gの株の下を切り落としたら正味90gになります)も入れ炒める。
9.トマト缶 400gを入れる。
10.豆乳 200mlを入れる。生クリームでも作れる。その場合は100ml入れてください。
11.コンソメキューブ 2個、醤油 大さじ1/2を入れる。

13.たっぷりのお湯に塩を加え、お好みのパスタ 100gを表示時間通りに茹でる。

#えび #パスタ #豆乳 #作り置き

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