9 Views· 07 November 2022
The Rainbow Serpent | An Aboriginal Dreamtime Legend | Story Time With Ozzie
Ozzie reads the famous book The Rainbow Serpent, by Dick Roughsey – a timeless classic from the Dreamtime. This book tells the tale of how the Rainbow Serpent came from beneath the ground and created huge ridges, mountains and gorges, forming mother nature as we know it today.
If you're keen to learn more about Aboriginal Culture, you can check out some of our other awesome videos and books:
Aboriginal art with young Indigenous artist Billy Reynolds
Aboriginal Song and Dance
Aboriginal Smoking Ceremony
Tiddalick, the Frog who Caused a Flood | An Aboriginal Dreamtime Legend
My Culture and Me | Aboriginal Story Time With Ozzie
G'day kids, Ozzie here – New Australian kid’s entertainer and creator of educational video content. Designed to entertain, excite, engage and educate, I encourage you to keep learning and 'Stay Keen'!
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