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0 Views· 19 September 2022

Squeezable Japanese-style Souffle Cheesecake スクイーズみたいにシュワシュワな日本式スフレチーズケーキ



#ASMR #Japanese #Cheesecake #Rilakkuma #Souffle #Recipe #リラックマ
We made a tall, soft and smooth Japanese-style cheesecake. This took us 5 times to make correctly! But all 5 of the Moso Family members devoured up the 5 cheesecakes. It was a lot easier than we thought to eat them all up because of the light texture.
*Recipe* (One round mold, 15.5 cm diameter x 7 cm in height)
1. Coat a teflon-lined mold (or any type of mold that is made so that the mixture doesn't stick ) with unsalted butter.
Have the mold prepared with a oven sheet laid on the bottom.
2.Pour 80g of milk in a heat-resistant container and heat it up in the microwave until it is about 40℃
3. Add in 50g of unsalted butter and melt. Leave to sit.
4. Put 200g of room-temperature cream cheese
into a large bowl and mix until it is creamy.
5. Add in 5 egg yolks and stir.
6. Add in 55g of granulated sugar and stir.
7. Add in 3 and stir.
8. Squeeze lemon juice from one half of a lemon (one tablespoon of lemon juice)
9. Add 50 g of weak flour and 15g of corn starch while sifting and stir. We recommend straining the mixture once if it is too clumpy. Leave to sit.
10. Add in 5 egg whites and 55 grams of granulated sugar.
Whip up into a firm meringue.
11. Add 1/3 of 10 into 9. Stir thoroughly.
12. Add another 1/3 and stir with a whisk as if you are scooping up the mixture.
13. Add all of the remaining 1/3. Switch to a rubber spatula and mix as if you are scooping the mixture up from the bottom. Stir softly but evenly.
14. Add 13 to 1.
Pour the mixture into the mold so that the top of it comes to a place near 1.5 cm below the top rim of the mold (this is to anticipate the bulging out of the cake after it is baked)
15. Lay a kitchen cloth onto a stainless container and put 14 on top.
16. Add more than 2.5 cm of boiling water into the container.
17. Put 16 into an oven preheated to 200 degrees and bake for 15 minutes.
18. Lower the temperature to 140℃ and bake for 45 minutes.
19. Leave for 30 minutes in the oven after the switch goes off.
Open the oven door slightly to cool for 30 minutes.
20. Take out from the mold.
21.Decorate however you want using powdered sugar that does not melt. (This time around, we used Rilakkuma and Korilakkuma stencils)
22. Done.

*レシピ*(直径 15.5✕高さ 7センチ 丸型 1個分)
2.耐熱容器に牛乳 80gを入れ電子レンジで40度くらいに温める。
3.2に無塩バター 50gを入れ溶す。置いておく。
4.大きめのボウルに室温にしておいたクリームチーズ 200gを入れクリーム状に混ぜる。
5.卵黄 5個分を加え混ぜる。
6.グラニュー糖 55gを加え混ぜる。
8.レモン汁 半個分(大さじ1)を加え混ぜる。
9.薄力粉 50gとコーンスターチ 15gをフルイながら入れ、混ぜる。ダマが気になる時は、1回濾すとよい。おいとく。
10.卵白 5個分にグラニュー糖 55gを加え、かたいメレンゲに泡立てる。
21.なかない粉糖を使って、お好みのデコをしてもよい。(今回はリラックマ・コリラックマ のステンシル)

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