3.8K Views· 17 September 2022
What If Zombie Spider-Man Saved Himself In Marvel Zombies Returns?
What If Zombie Spider-Man Saved Himself In Marvel Zombies Returns?
What If Marvel Zombies Returns?
What If Events Went differently? What If Marvel Zombies Returns #1. What If Zombie Spider-Man managed to grab a tablet of time in the 1st issue succeeding in his plan to get rid of the horrifying Zombie virus and save himself and all of the other Marvel heroes find out in this highly requested fan fiction!
Before we get into this fan fiction for Spider-Man and The Marvel Zombies do make sure to read the full Marvel Zombies Returns Series and Amazing Spider-Man #68 to get a better understanding of this alternate universe and how the Marvel Zombies Paradox became broken.
If you want to see more Spider-Man comic book fan fictions and Marvel comic fan fics make sure to subscribe and check out my other Spider-Man what if videos!
I do wanna give a massive thank you to Thecrow2k for making this amazing Spider-Man zombie thumbnail make sure to check out his other work on his Instagram. https://www.instagram.com/thecrow2k/?hl=en
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What If Zombie Spider-Man Cured Himself In Marvel Zombies Returns?
What If Marvel Zombies Returns Issue One
Marvel Zombies, Zombie Spider-Man, Earth Z Spider-Man, 2149 Spider-Man, Marvel Zombies Revenge, Marvel Zombies Comics, Marvel Zombies Fan Made Series, Zombie Spider-Man Vs Spider-Man, Amazing Spider-Man #68, Spider-Man #68, Marvel Zombies Comic Books, Marvel's What If, Zombie Spider-Man What If, The Watcher, Spider-Man Fan Fictions, Spider-Man What If, What Ifs, Spiderman zombie,