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3.7K Views· 29 November 2022

WORLD'S MOST FAMOUS Magic Tricks Finally Revealed | David Blaine | Dynamo | Zach King


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There’s nothing in this world which wows the audience the way magic does! And what the audience sees is only one reality while another is the one created by the magician!
So, be it David Blaine pulling out a ring out of his stomach, or Zach King’s famous Mirror Magic, in this video, we'll figure out the secrets behind some of the world’s greatest magic tricks.

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Dynamo's Phone in Glass Bottle [1:39] https://youtu.be/_sTGQcBaS_k

Below is the list of the World's Most Famous Magic Tricks revealed:
At number 7: The Wood Chipper Escape Act (Criss Angel)
At number 6: Ring Through Glass Trick (Dynamo)
At number 5: The Magical Oreo Trick (The Ellen Show)
At number 4: The See-Through Mirror Trick (Zach King)
At number 3: Phone Through Bottle Trick (Yif)
At number 2: The Ring Swallow Trick (David Blaine)
At number 1: The Famous Helicopter Trick (Jamie Raven - Britain's Got Talent)

Kool Kats by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Source: http://incompetech.com/music/r....oyalty-free/index.ht
Artist: http://incompetech.com/

So guys, which trick did you like the most? And who is your favourite magician in this list?
And name any other video topics you would like us to create?
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