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10 Views· 07 September 2022

INCREDIBLE Mini Indoor DIY Pond (Patio Pond)


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"Make a patio pond"... I've been getting requests to make one for awhile now and truthfully I didn't plan on making one any time soon. However, when I found an awesome planter on clearance for $10, I knew what needed to be done - Make a patio pond (or what I call an indoor pond because I'm not putting it on my patio)!

Then came the opportunity to get Orange Rice Fish. I wanted to make something truly beautiful that will really showcase the fish. That's where this new mini pond comes into play. What do you think? Can't you picture the contrast of bright orange against the green plants? I can. We'll follow up with that in a few weeks though.

Orange Rice Fish Video: https://youtu.be/paMMRih9ETM

Linked Materials:
Expanding Foam https://amzn.to/2MxkfUc (Affiliate Link*)
Pump https://amzn.to/2M9vh2J (Affiliate Link*)
*I receive compensation for affiliate link clicks.

Plant List:
Alocasia x amazonica 'Poly'
Alternanthera ficoidea 'Christmas Tree'
Azolla caroliniana
Bacopa caroliniana
Ceratophyllum demersum (Hornwort)
Davallia fejeensis (Rabbit's Foot Fern)
Hemigraphis repanda
Mosaic Plant (Ludwigia sedioides)
Phyllanthus Fluitans (Red Root Floater)
Salvinia minima
Syngonium podophyllum 'Berry Allusion'
Variegated Maranta leuconeura

If you have any comments, suggestions or questions, leave them down in the comments! Also for additional content like this, photos of my projects, updates and more, then be sure to follow me on Instagram @serpadesign.


#patiopond #indoorpond #serpadesign

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