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2.6K Views· 10 September 2022

I'm Installing LED Workshop Lighting!


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Today I'm finally installing some new LED lighting panels in my workshop! This is a job I've been wanting to get done for a long time since it will help to have more consistent lighting when making videos. I'm using LED lighting panels from Amazon, links below. Remember, do not touch electrics if you don't know what you're doing.

Here's some affiliate links to products I use or would consider using - read more about affiliate links at the bottom of this description:

LED Lighting Panel on Amazon (UK): https://gosforthhandyman.com/u....k-links/48w-led-ligh
Sorry, I have no idea why these are so expensive elsewhere in the world. You could also try this e-bay link but I purchased the Amazon ones:

Peter Millard's vid about his workshop lighting: https://youtu.be/TrukKsGFGO8

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I sometimes use affiliate links - these don’t cost you a penny and help to keep this channel going. Read more about affiliate links here - the fairest way of funding the internet: https://gosforthhandyman.com/affiliate-links/ - thanks so much for your awesome support!

#LED #Lighting #Workshop

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