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3 Views· 19 September 2022

Giant Hamburger Steak with camembert cheese カマンベール入りのでっかいハンバーグ わかりにくいけど野菜と大きさをくらべてみて


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大きなハンバーグ作りました。ぜひ、付け合せの野菜も大きめにして お楽しみください。
1.耐熱容器に みじん切りにした 玉ねぎ 200gとバター 25gを入れ、600wの電子レンジで3分加熱する。冷ましておく。
2.パン粉 30gと水 110gを合わせておく。
3.ボウルに合いびき肉 500gを入れ、粘りが出るまで捏ねる。
4.塩 小さじ1/2、コショウ・ナツメグ 各少々、1と2、マヨネーズ 35gを入れ、よく捏ねる。
6.5に4を入れる。間にカマンベールチーズ 100gを挟む。

ソース:市販のデミグラスソース 1缶に水 60g、醤油 10gを入れ加熱したものがオススメです。我が家では、赤ワイン、ケチャップ、ソースとハンバーグを焼いた時に出た肉汁を合わせて、煮詰めたものをかけることが多いです。

We made a big hamburger steak! Feel free to upsize the vegetable sides as well!

(Caution!) Please be sure to read all of the instructions on your rice cooker, and take proper responsibility to ensure there are no accidents. Please avoid all prohibited and dangerous uses of the device.

1. Place 200g of finely chopped onions and 25g of butter into a microwave-safe dish, and heat at 600w for three minutes. Set aside to cool.
2. Mix 30g of breadcrumbs with 110g of water and set aside.
3. Place 500g of chop meat into a bowl, and knead until sticky.
4. Add 1/2 a teaspoon salt, then nutmeg and pepper to taste, the ingredients you set aside in steps 1 and 2, and 35g of mayonnaise. Knead together until well blended.
5. Lightly coat your rice cooker's container with salad oil.
6. Place the meat from step four into the prepared rice cooker, sealing 100g of camembert cheese inside the meat as you do so.
(Chilling the mixture in the refrigerator at this point will make it more difficult for the juices to flow as it cooks. )
7. Set your rice cooker and cook the hamburger on a normal cook cycle.
8. When the cooking cycle ends, check to make sure it's cooked.
9. Arrange on a plate, and top with sauce. Make sure you don't forget to start the rice before now or you'll just have a main dish and no rice to eat!

Vegetables. Boil broccoli and corn in a pot of water. Place potatoes and carrots in a microwave-safe bowl with a little water, cover loosely with plastic wrap, and heat. We baked the enoki mushrooms in the oven.

Sauce: We recommend adding 10g of soy sauce to a 60g container of store bought demi glace sauce. At our house we often top it with a gravy of red wine, ketchup, sauce, and the juices from the hamburger steak as it cooks.

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