6 Views· 22 September 2022
{ENG SUB} ★ 紅雞蛋 張媽媽慶祝三十萬訂閱 ★ | Chinese Red Dye Eggs celebrateing 300K Subscribers!
張媽媽【紅雞蛋】, 適合慶祝復活節或BB滿月派對!非常感謝大家, 張媽媽廚房超過三十萬訂閱了!多啲SUBSCRIBE 多啲 LIKE, 多謝大家支持!如喜歡的話,請SHARE給朋友家人。謝謝。
Mama Cheung’s Kitchen has reached over 300k subscribers! Thank you all so much for your support! “Chinese Red Dye Eggs” are great to celebrate newborns' full moon or Easter Holidays! Please SUBSCRIBE, LIKE & SHARE this recipe to other foodies! Thank you!
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食材份量 Ingredients
十隻雞蛋 10 eggs
烘焙用的紅色食物色素 Food grade red colouring
一茶匙白醋 1 tsp white vinegar
一百毫升水 100ml water
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#紅雞蛋 #三十萬訂閱 #張媽媽廚房 #chinesecooking