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1 Views· 19 September 2022

Pull Apart Oreo Bread オレオ整列ちぎりパン



This is a pull-apart bread with Oreos aligned, perfect for the 6-pack of Oreos. Of course, I also used the sandwiched cream properly. The moist, fluffy, sweet white bread and Oreo matched each other.
I tried kneading bread in my bread baking machine, which I usually use to make rice cakes. Once you get the hang of it, you can make quite tasty bread. Of course, you can also knead bread by hand. The key point is that the top plate of the weight is placed and baked so that the Oreos are perfectly and neatly aligned.

* Recipe * (for 2 slim pound cakes of 27✕5.5✕h4cm)

250g bread flour
3g dry yeast
30g sugar
3g salt
135g milk ( warm to body temperature )
35g egg
35g unsalted butter ( at room temperature )

1.Separate 6 Oreos into cookies and cream.

2.Mix 250g of bread flour and 3g of dry yeast in a bread case of a bread baking machine.
3.Add 30g of sugar and 3g of salt and mix.
4.Press the start button to knead.
5.Mix 135 g of milk (at skin temperature) and 35 g of beaten egg (the remaining egg will be used in (11)) and pour half of the mixture into the center and the other half around the perimeter.
6.When the dough comes together nicely (10 minutes after starting), add 35g unsalted butter (brought to room temperature) and continue kneading. The dough has been kneaded for 30 minutes from the start.
7.Remove from the bread case and re-roll. Place the dough, seam side down, in a lightly oiled bowl and let it rise for 35 minutes at 40°C to prevent it from drying out. It should be a little less than doubled in size.

8.Take out (7) and divide into 12 pieces (about 40g each). Re-roll the dough, cover with a wet cloth and allow to rest for 10 minutes.
9.Spread the dough while degassing, wrap the cream from (1) and roll it.
10.Arrange them in a mold with baking paper.
11.Brush the remaining beaten egg from (5) and press the Oreo cookies from (1) to stick together.
12.Place baking paper. Place a top plate for weighting on it. Let the dough rise again as a second rising for 15 minutes at 40°C.
13.Reduce the temperature of the oven preheated to 200°C to 190°C and bake for 17 minutes and 30 seconds. I thought I should have baked it a little more, so I think it's okay to bake it for about 20 minutes.
14.After baking, drop the whole mold several times on the table and take it out immediately. Cool on a net.




*レシピ*(27✕5.5✕h4cmのスリムパウンド型 2個分)

強力粉 250g
ドライイースト 3g
砂糖 30g
塩 3g
卵 35g

1.オレオ 6枚をクッキーとクリームに分けておく。

2.ホームベーカリーのパンケースに強力粉 250gとドライイースト 3gを入れ混ぜる。
3.水分とバター以外の材料、砂糖 30g、塩 3gも入れ混ぜる。
5.牛乳(ひと肌温度)135gと溶き卵 35g(残った卵は(11)で使います)を合わせたものを半量は真ん中に、もう半量は周りに流し入れる。
7.パンケースから取り出し、丸め直す。トジメを下にし、薄く油を塗ったボウルにいれ、乾燥しないように1次発酵(40℃ 35分)する。2倍弱の大きさになればよい。

12.オーブンペーパーをのせ、重し用の天板などを置き、2次発酵(40℃ 15分)する。
13.200℃に予熱したオーブンの温度を190℃に下げ、17分30秒焼く。もう少し焼けばよかったなぁ と思ったので、20分程度焼いても良いと思います。

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