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1.6K Views· 24 July 2024

Maggie Lindemann - hear me out (lyric video)


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Video Directed by: Vixxion
Lyric Animation Directed by Lauryn Alejo & Isabel Crist

hear me out

dream about a day where i’ll be happy somewhere else
instead of lying
lifeless like i’m just a rag doll on your shelf

oh you’re not a man
not even a boy
you can’t comprehend
i keep talkin
why can’t no one hear me
i don’t understand

sent poison
through my veins
took something
never explain
why can’t nobody ever hear me out?

poison through my veins
took something
never explain
why can’t nobody ever hear me out?

kept on making me believe
i was the one to blame
your emotional deception made me think i was insane

oh you’re not a man
not even a boy
you can’t comprehend
everybody’s watchin like a show
but they aren’t listenin

sent poison
through my veins
took something
never explain
why can’t nobody ever hear me out

through my veins
took something
never explain
why cant nobody ever hear me out

i guess that’s just a part of me
that i will always have to grieve
took my soul and let it bleed
you stole what should belong
to me

through my veins
took something
never explain
why can’t nobody ever hear me out

through my veins
took something
never explain
why can’t nobody ever hear me out (hear me out)
why can’t you just hear me out?

© 2022 swixxzaudio

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