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5 Views· 12 September 2022

5 Biggest Fat Loss Mistakes (AVOID THESE!)



These are the 5 biggest fat loss mistakes. In order to burn lower stubborn belly fat and to lose weight fast you need to avoid these common weight loss mistakes. If you hit a plateau make sure you aren't making these beginners mistakes.

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#1 Not Focusing Enough on Lean Body Mass 0:53
#2 Treating All Calories Equally 2:55
#3 Eat More Meals to Lose Weight and Burn Fat 6:16
#4 Hours & Hours of Cardio to Burn Some Fat 8:19
#5 Falling for Pills, Potions, Creams etc.10:26

One of the best ways to get faster results in any area of your life is by learning from other people's mistakes so you don't have to make those same mistakes your self. Not only have I made a lot of these mistakes with fat loss myself but I've also worked with thousands of clients in my gyms and online that came to me after trying so hard to burn some fat without any success. No matter what they did they still couldn't see any results in the mirror. No matter how much they worked out and dieted they couldn't burn their stubborn fat away just because of some very common mistakes... ..mistakes like thinking that they had to do hours of cardio every week to be successful or count their calories and eat five to six small meals a day everyday just to see some body fat come off. So before you go and waste your time making these same easy to correct mistakes watch this video because it'll speed up your progress by a lot. First I want to start with a mistake that you don't hear about too often and that's not focusing enough on lean body mass. So many people get caught up in doing whatever it takes to burn fat whether that be doing cardio every day of the week or decreasing calories to extremely low levels. I've had clients that have come to me after cutting their calories lower than 800 per day, yet they couldn't lose any fat. After working with them for some time & helping them increase their lean body mass, these clients are able to easily lose weight, and burn fat at a much higher calorie range. If you find yourself continuously cutting calories & upping your cardio yet the fat doesn't seem to budge it may be a good idea to focus on your lean body mass instead. Not only can increasing lean body mass increase your resting metabolism, but more importantly it has an effect on many different hormones in your body. Hormones like leptin, ghrelin, Adiponectin, resistin, & insulin all communicate with your cells including your fat cells & they tell them when it's time to release fat or store fat. Your body composition has a lot to do with how these hormones function in your body. For that reason if you're only focusing on burning fat, but your not focused on building muscle please understand that you're going to hit a wall. You need to increase lean body mass to support fat loss especially if you go from being sedentary for years to suddenly exercising. Over the years of being sedentary you may have lost a lot of muscle mass. In fact it's very normal for people to lose about a pound of muscle every two years after the age of 25. This can create a situation where you might be working harder & eating cleaner than someone else that has a higher lean body mass yet you're not getting nearly the amount of results that they are. Focus on your lean body mass. By increasing muscle over time it'll make the entire process easier. If you're not weight training make sure you start & focus on progressively increasing the weight you use over time. Let's move on to the next mistakes which is one of the biggest mistakes that people have made for a long time & continue to making today..... treating all calories equally. If you still believe that losing weight & especially burning body fat is all about just counting your calories taken in & subtracting the calories that come out from exercise then you're not seeing the whole picture. A calorie is not a calorie & just to prove that I think we can all agree that a hundred calories of vegetables & 100 calories of ice cream is not the same thing & it won't have the same effect on your body. In regard to Fat Loss one of the greatest factors that we have to consider is how much insulin is released based on the specific type of calories that you're eating. When a lot of insulin is released throughout the day not only does it prevent fat loss but it also encourages your body to store energy as body fat. The types of calories that Spike insulin the most are under the category of carbohydrates in the form of simple sugars. Now this doesn't mean that carbs are bad nor does it mean that you can't burn fat while eating even a high carb diet but once again when you compare the carbs from cake...

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