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0 Views· 22 September 2022

Resep INDOMIE CHILI OIL ala Singapura: [Fish Ball Noodle Singapore]



Resep lengkap buka di description box ini dan geser sampai ke bawah.
**English description is at the bottom section.**

00:00 : intro
00:56 : persiapan bahan (prepping the ingredients)
01:38 : membuat kuah (making the broth)
03:15 : membuat bumbu mie (making the sauce)
04:31 : rebus mi (cooking the noodles)
05:01 : hidangan siap dan serving (the dish is ready to serve)

#ResepIndomie #ResepChiliOil #ResepDevinaHermawan


Resep Indomie Chili Oil (untuk 1-2 porsi)

2 bungkus mi goreng instan + bumbu mi

Bahan tambahan bumbu:
1 sdm bubuk cabai kasar
1 buah daun bawang cung
½ sdt minyak wijen
1 sdm kecap asin
2 sdm minyak panas
1 sdt gula pasir

1 butir telur
75 gr ayam cincang
1 lembar kol, potong
5 buah bakso ikan (https://youtu.be/vz-_F-WKTw4)
350 ml air
¼ sdt garam
½ sdt gula pasir
⅛ sdt merica
Bawang goreng

1. Untuk kuah, didihkan air kemudian masukkan 1 bumbu mie, 1 minyak bawang dan ayam cincang, rebus hingga ayam matang, sisihkan ayam
2. Masukkan kol, telur, dan bakso ikan, rebus telur hingga setengah matang, sisihkan telur
3. Tambahkan garam, gula pasir, dan merica, aduk rata, masak di api kecil
4. Iris halus daun bawang lalu pindahkan ke dalam mangkuk
5. Masukkan bubuk cabai dan minyak yang telah panas, aduk rata
6. Masukkan bumbu mie, gula pasir, kecap asin, minyak wijen, minyak bawang, dan sambal mie, aduk rata, sisihkan
7. Rebus mie hingga matang atau sesuai selera kemudian masukkan ke dalam mangkuk berisi bumbu, aduk rata
8. Tambahkan topping ayam, telur, bakso ikan, daun bawang, dan bawang goreng
9. Indomie chili oil siap disajikan


Chili Oil Indomie Recipe (yield 1-2 servings)

2 pack instant fried noodles + seasoning

Additional Seasoning ingredients:
1 tbsp chili flake
1 pc spring onion
½ tsp sesame oil
1 tbsp soy sauce
2 tbsp hot oil
1 tsp sugar

1 pc egg
75 g ground chicken
1 pc cabbage, slice
5 pc fish ball (https://youtu.be/vz-_F-WKTw4)
350 ml water
¼ tsp salt
½ tsp sugar
⅛ tsp pepper
Fried shallots

1. For the broth, boil water and add 1 pack of instant noodle seasoning, 1 pack of the fragrant oil, and ground chicken. Boil until it’s cooked and set the chicken aside.
2. Add cabbage, egg, and fish balls. Cook the egg until it’s half-boiled and set it aside.
3. Add salt, sugar, and pepper. Mix well and cook on low heat.
4. Slice the green onions finely and place in a bowl.
5. Add the chili flakes and pour the hot oil in. Mix well.
6. Add the instant noodle’s seasoning, chili, and fragrant oil. Add sugar, soy sauce, and sesame oil. Mix well and set aside.
7. Boil the noodles to taste, then mix it well with the sauce.
8. Add the chicken, egg, fish balls, green onions, and fried shallots toppings.
9. Chili Oil Indomie is ready to serve.


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