1 Views· 22 September 2022
Resep lengkap buka di description box ini dan geser sampai ke bawah.
**English description is at the bottom section.**
00:00 : intro
01:02 : persiapan bahan (prepping the ingredients)
01:47 : membuat kulit pai (making the pie crust)
03:02 : masukkan ke cetakan dan simpan di kulkas (molding and chilling the crust)
04:02 : membuat isian (making the filling)
05:12 : tuang isian ke kulit pai dan simpan di kulkas (filling the crust and chilling)
06:01 : garnish dan serving (garnish and serving)
#ResepPie #ResepChocolatePie #ResepDevinaHermawan
Resep No Bake Chocolate Pie (10 pcs)
Bahan kulit pai:
250 gr Good Time Classic
70 gr mentega leleh
Bahan isian:
12 gr tepung terigu protein sedang
30 gr mentega
210 ml susu
7 gr bubuk cokelat
80 gr cokelat compound (½ milk ½ dark), cincang
50 gr kental manis putih
⅕ sdt garam
Dark chocolate, lelehkan
1. Untuk kulit pai, hancurkan Good Time Classic dengan food processor, pisahkan sebagian untuk topping
2. Pindahkan ke dalam mangkuk kemudian masukkan mentega yang telah dilelehkan, aduk rata
3. Siapkan cetakan,masukkan adonan kulit pai, tekan dan ratakan
4. Tutup dengan plastic wrap, diamkan di dalam freezer selama 20-30 menit hingga set
5. Untuk isian, panaskan susu, kental manis, cokelat bubuk, dan tepung terigu yang telah disaring, masak di api sedang sambil diaduk hingga sedikit mendidih
6. Masukkan garam, cokelat, dan mentega, aduk rata lalu matikan api
7. Keluarkan pai dari cetakan lalu tuang isian cokelat, tutup dengan plastic wrap, simpan di dalam kulkas selama 2-3 jam
8. Tambahkan dark chocolate yang telah dilelehkan dan Good Time Classic sebagai topping
9. No bake chocolate pie siap disajikan
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No-Bake Chocolate Pie Recipe (yield: 10 pcs)
Pie Crust ingredients:
200 g Good Time Classic
70 g melted butter
Filling ingredients:
12 g all-purpose flour
30 g butter
210 ml milk
7 g chocolate powder
80 g compound chocolate (½ milk + ½ dark), chopped
50 g white condensed milk
⅕ tsp salt
Dark chocolate, chop & melt
1. For the pie crust, grind Good Time Classic with a food processor. Set aside a little bit for topping.
2. Transfer to a bowl, then add melted butter and mix evenly.
3. Prepare the pie tins. Add the crust in, press it in and even it out.
4. Cover with plastic wrap. Place in the freezer for 20-30 minutes until they set.
5. For the filling, heat the milk, condensed milk, and sifted chocolate powder and flour. Cook on medium heat while stirring until it’s simmering.
6. Add salt, chocolate, and butter. Stir well, then turn the heat off.
7. Get the pie crust out of the tins, then pour the chocolate filling in. Cover with plastic wrap and chill in the fridge for 2-3 hours.
8. Add melted dark chocolate and Good Time Classic as the toppings.
9. No-Bake Chocolate Pie is ready to serve.
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