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3.2K Views· 02 September 2022

[먹방] 데이브 + 에리나 닭발 첫 경험 FEAT 엠버 Dave & Erina try CHICKEN FEET for the first time with Amber


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자..저랑 에리나 닭발 제대로 먹어본적이 없어서...닭발 첫 시식이었어요. 생각보다 맛있는데... 생긴거 때문에 아직 먹기 조금 힘들어요! ㅠ ㅋㅋㅋ 재미있게 봐주세요! 엠버 같이 나와주셔서 너무 감사해요 ^^ So..Erina & I have never really tried Chicken feet so...here we go. It wasn't as bad as I thought, but it's still hard to eat because of the way it looks haha. I hope you guys enjoy the video. And thanks Amber for joining in!(Actually, we made us eat it haha)

구독/subscribe - http://goo.gl/bX8RUx
에리나 채널 구독/Erina's channel! - https://goo.gl/F6l5MV
앰버 채널/ Amber's Channel - https://goo.gl/77iePo
인스타그램/Insta - [Dave - daebbuing] [Amber - ajol_llama] [Erina - Erina_hrn]

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