4.5K Views· 19 November 2023
애호박과 계란은 이렇게 해보세요‼️ 간단하고 맛있는 한끼가 완성됩니다👍🏻
#무니키친 #계란요리 #애호박요리
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👩🏻 안녕하세요. 여러분💜
요즘 애호박이 참 맛있더라고요.
애호박으로 맛있는 부침개 만들어 보세요. 밀가루 없이 간단하고 맛있어서 추천합니다!
✔ 재료
👩🏻🍳 추천하는 영상
◦ 인기급상승🔺 양배추 인기 레시피 모음 👉🏻 https://youtu.be/rdDjW3U4tGM
◦ 누적조회수 330만! 아침식사로 추천하는 또띠아 요리 9가지 👉🏻 https://youtu.be/Ru-Br_M-7OE
◦ 살빠지고 맛있는 두부 계란 요리 12가지 👉🏻 https://youtu.be/mbBlIj0NaSU
◦ 뱃살이 쏙 빠지는 다이어트 7일 식단 👉🏻 https://youtu.be/biMjTtCEcGw
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(저에게는 약간의 수수료가 적립되며 컨텐츠 제작 재료를 사는데 큰 힘이 됩니다.)
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소금2 https://iherb.co/e1mGHwg
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후추2 https://iherb.co/wSwvtXt
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나한과 https://iherb.co/n571Yuw
크러쉬드레드페퍼 https://iherb.co/BJQTfYQ
👉🏻 무니키친의 일상채널 '살림템 육아템'
♥️ '먹으면서 살빠지는 저탄수화물 레시피' 강의 들어보기 ( Online Class)
🎞 도움이 되는 영상들
건강한 지방 https://youtu.be/fsfGBQk36Z8
절대 먹지 말아야 할 당류 https://youtu.be/LYBt0CBPOog
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#MoonyKitchen #ZucchiniRecipe #EggRecipe
🌟 Instagram
👩🏻 Hello. Everyone 💜
In this video, I made a delicious Korean-style zucchini omelet (Jeon).
It's easy and delicious, so I like to eat it every day.
✔ Ingredients
dried shrimp
soy sauce
chili powder (gochugaru)
👩🏻🍳 Recommended Video
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◦ 3.3M views! BEST 9 tortilla recipes Recommended for breakfast! 👉🏻 https://youtu.be/Ru-Br_M-7OE
◦ 12 best tofu egg dishes 👉🏻 https://youtu.be/mbBlIj0NaSU
◦ 7 day diet to lose belly fat 👉🏻 https://youtu.be/biMjTtCEcGw
✔︎ Translated language
I ate this zucchini omelet for dinner every day and lost weight! It's easy and quick.❤️
毎日このズッキーニオムレツを夕食に食べて痩せました! 簡単で早いです❤️
我每天晚餐都吃这个西葫芦煎蛋卷,体重减轻了! 简单快捷。❤️
我每天晚餐都吃這個西葫蘆煎蛋捲,體重減輕了! 簡單快捷。❤️
Ich habe dieses Zucchini-Omelett jeden Tag zum Abendessen gegessen und dabei abgenommen!
Я ела этот кабачковый омлет на ужин каждый день и худела!
Saya makan telur dadar zucchini ini untuk makan malam setiap hari dan menurunkan berat badan!
Tôi đã ăn món trứng tráng bí xanh này vào bữa tối hàng ngày và đã giảm cân!
¡Comí esta tortilla de calabacín para la cena todos los días y perdí peso!
أكلت عجة الكوسة على العشاء كل يوم وفقدت الوزن!
Я кожен день вечеряла цим омлетом з кабачків і схудла!
Ho mangiato questa frittata di zucchine a cena tutti i giorni e ho perso peso!
Saya makan telur dadar zucchini ini untuk makan malam setiap hari dan berat badan turun!
Her gün akşam yemeğinde bu kabak omletini yedim ve kilo verdim!
Eu comia essa omelete de abobrinha no jantar todos os dias e emagreci!
Jadłam ten omlet z cukinii na obiad codziennie i schudłam!
J'ai mangé cette omelette de courgettes pour le dîner tous les jours et j'ai perdu du poids !
Kinain ko itong zucchini omelet para sa hapunan araw-araw at pumayat!
मैंने हर दिन रात के खाने के लिए यह तोरी आमलेट खाया और वजन कम किया!
✔︎ Frequently used products
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($5 discount on iHerb's first order, 5% off existing customers)
Olive Oil 1 https://iherb.co/6K66gZd
Olive Oil 2 https://iherb.co/tNLRNMi
Salt 1 https://iherb.co/hdk4Jz2
Salt 2 https://iherb.co/e1mGHwg
Vinegar https://iherb.co/VXUKA6i
Pepper 1 https://iherb.co/a1NgQof (with grinder)
Pepper 2 https://iherb.co/wSwvtXt
Paprika Powder https://iherb.co/FcT4qW1 (Flavor Up)
Allulose 1 https://iherb.co/TMKZWry
Allulose 2 https://iherb.co/WH6Z61Z
Nahan and https://iherb.co/n571Yuw
Crushed Red Pepper https://iherb.co/BJQTfYQ
👉🏻 MoonyKitchen's Vlog
♥️ MoonyKitchen's Online Class
✔︎ When using the recipe, disclose the source.
MoonyKitchen's video is only uploaded to YouTube and Naver TV.
Unauthorized theft of this video or 2nd edit and reupload is prohibited.
You will be held legally responsible for copyright violations.
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email lunechoi@naver.com
5 days ago