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2.4K Views· 02 February 2024

AMG G63 Drag Race: my GIRLFRIEND vs Yianni's


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It’s time for a G63 showdown… With a twist! First up, we have Mat and Yianni going head-to-head to truly see who has the ultimate reaction times. Yianni’s G63 may come with the Urban bodykit, but underneath the bonnet both cars are the same, packing a 4-litre twin-turbo V8 that’ll produce 585hp & 850Nm of torque!

But that’s only part one of this challenge! Once Mat and Yianni are done, Mat’s girlfriend and Yianni’s wife will be joining them and going up against each other, too! The question is, who’s your money on - Team Mat, or Team Yianni? Let us know in the comments!

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