1 Views· 19 September 2022
Chocolate Panna Cotta Christmas Cake 業スー 紙パックスイーツ パンナコッタ アレンジレシピ チョコレート クリスマスケーキ
This is a simple Christmas cake made using “Panna Cotta”, a paper carton sweet from the Gyomu supermarket. I've been wanting to make a homemade Christmas cake every year, but the hurdles are so high that it's hard to get started. But don't you think you can do it with this one? (I really wanted to try this with the same paper carton sweet “chocolate Bavarois” from the Gyomu supermarket, but they didn't sell it when I looked. ) This is rich, easy to make, and with a little decoration, you can make a Christmas cake.
*Recipe* (for one 15cm round mold, finished height 4cm)
1.Take out 1 package of paper pack sweets panna cotta from the Gyomu supermarket into a heatproof container.
2.Cover with plastic wrap and microwave at 600W for 4 minutes and 10 seconds to melt the panna cotta.
3.Soak 10 sheets (15g) of gelatin in water.
4.Mix 50g cocoa powder and 50g sugar. The cocoa powder should be 5% of the weight of the panna cotta, and the sugar should be the same amount as the cocoa powder.
5.Add (2) little by little to (4) and melt.
6.Squeeze (3) into (2) and let it dissolve. At this time, if the temperature of (2) is below 60℃, it will be difficult to melt, so watch the situation and heat it additionally in the microwave.
7.Put (5) in (6) and mix.
8.Strain the mixture.
9.Pour into a mold and refrigerate.
10.Place in boiling water for about 10 seconds to warm up, then turn out onto a plate. Leave to cool.
Make the decorations.
11.Melt the chocolate and put it in a piping bag.I used 70g of chocolate this time, but I didn't use all of it. If you want to make the same kind of decoration, about 30g will be enough.
12.Squeeze the chocolate out like a tree on the "Morinaga Koeda," a commercial chocolate. Use the remaining chocolate to make small and large circles. Cool in the refrigerator.
13.Decorate (10) with (11). The cocoa powder used is the hard-to-dissolve cocoa powder that I bought at the 100-yen shop Can Do. Finally, stab the Christmas pick I bought at Daiso and it's done.
#chocolate #pannacotta #christmascake #asmr
*レシピ*(15cmの丸型 1個分 できあがりの高さ4cm)
1.業務スーパーの紙パックスイーツ パンナコッタ 1パックを耐熱容器に取り出す。
3.板ゼラチン 10枚(15g)を水につける。
4.ココアパウダー 50gと砂糖 50gを混ぜる。ココアパウダーはパンナコッタの重さの5%量で砂糖はココアパウダーと同量加えます。
#業務スーパー #パンナコッタ #クリスマスケーキ