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2 Views· 22 September 2022

{ENG SUB}★老婆餅 自家製酥皮-簡單做法 ★ | Wife Cake Easy Recipe


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張媽媽【老婆餅】,廣東的傳統餅食,送禮自奉,家的感覺。請Like我的Video和訂閱我的頻道啊! 如喜歡的話,請分享給朋友家人。謝謝。
MamaCheung's Wife Cake, a traditional Cantonese pastry. I hope you like it. Please subscribe to my channel, give me a thumbs up and share this recipe to other foodies! Thank you.
#張媽媽 #老婆餅 #WifeCake


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材料 Ingredients(六件份量,6 cakes):
水油皮 Water oil dough:
一百一十克中筋麵粉 110g All-purpose flour
三十毫升油(米糠油,花生油或菜油) 30ml oil (Rice bran oil/Peanut oil/Vegetable oil)
二十毫升糖漿 20ml Syrup
四十毫升大熱水 40ml Hot water 80ºC

油皮 Oil dough:
七十五克中筋麵粉 75g All-purpose flour
三十五毫升油(米糠油,花生油或菜油)35ml oil (Rice bran oil/Peanut oil/Vegetable oil)

餡料 Fillings:
二百克新鮮冬瓜 200g Winter melon
五十克生糯米粉(或加工粉或糕粉)50g glutinous rice flour (raw or cooked)
六十克砂糖 60g Sugar
一隻雞蛋黃 1 Egg yolk
八分一茶匙幼鹽 1/8tsp Salt
十克椰絲 10g Shredded coconut
十五克炒香芝麻 15g Toasted sesame seeds
十克無鹽牛油 10g Unsalted butter

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