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5 Views· 18 December 2022

Campbell Soup Pumpkin Pie キャンベルスープ パンプキンパイ #easyrecipe #halloween



Using a can of Campbell's soup and a store-bought cheese steamed cake, I made a pumpkin pie that is quick and easy to mix. Is this a meal or a dessert?
*Recipe* (for one 21 cm tart tin)
Unsalted butter as needed
Bread flour as needed
3 commercial pie sheets (10.5 x 20.5 cm, 83 g each)

2 egg yolks
40g sugar
1 can Campbell's soup cream pumpkin
1 Yamazaki Hokkaido cheese steamed cake
Fresh cream, cinnamon powder, pumpkin seeds to taste

How to make
1.Brush the tart base with unsalted butter, sprinkle with bread flour, and shake off excess flour.
2.Roll out the tart a size larger than the tin using 3 commercially available pie sheets. Sprinkle with flour to prevent sticking.
3.Spread (2) on (1).
4.Poke holes with a fork, etc.
5.Cut off excess pie sheet and trim. Chill in the refrigerator.

6.Put 2 egg yolks, 40g of sugar, 1 can of Campbell soup cream pumpkin, and 1 cheese steamed cake in a bowl and mix with a hand blender.
7.Pour (6) into (5) and bake in the oven for 40 minutes. preheat the oven to 240°C and bake at 210°C for 15 minutes → 190°C for 10 minutes → 160°C for 15 minutes. At 18 minutes remaining, it was nicely browned, so I covered it with foil and baked it.This prevents the center of the pie from becoming raw.
8.When the heat is removed, chill in the refrigerator overnight.
9.Done. Garnish with fresh cream, cinnamon powder, and pumpkin seeds and enjoy! It might be good for Halloween too.


*レシピ*(21センチのタルト型 1台分)

無塩バター 適宜
強力粉 適宜
市販のパイシート(1枚あたり 10.5× 20.5cm 83g)3枚

卵黄 2個分
砂糖 40g
キャンベルスープ クリームパンプキン 1缶
北海道チーズ蒸しケーキ 1個
生クリーム・シナモンパウダー・かぼちゃの種 適宜

2.市販のパイシート 3枚を使って、型より ひとまわり大きく伸ばす。くっつき防止に強力粉をふりかけながら作業するとよい。

6.ボウルに卵黄 2個分、砂糖 40g、キャンベルスープのクリームパンプキン 1缶、北海道チーズ蒸しケーキ 1個を入れ、ハンドブレンダーで混ぜ合わせる。

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