3 Views· 19 July 2022
Rimac Nevera ElectroMagnetic Compatibility Testing
At Rimac, precision development and advanced engineering is everything. So, for the latest stages of development testing ahead of first customer deliveries next year, we have been putting the C_Two through its latest set of paces on the road, on tracks and proving grounds, and in labs. And as always, we report back to our fans on all major tests. So here's the latest story: the EMC testing.
As part of the rigorous testing procedures for C_Two and to comply with homologation requirements, the engineering team has been collaborating with engineering specialist IAV and testing service provider SLG in Germany. There, the specialists have specifically focused on EMC (ElectroMagnetic Compatibility) testing, which in today’s increasingly connected and gadget-focused world has become even more paramount.
The principle behind EMC is the testing of all electrical devices and how they perform in the real world, both in terms of the electromagnetic emissions they give out, as well as how they react when receiving inputs from outside influences. Without such in-depth testing taking place, many things just would not operate properly, from the car’s air conditioning and radio system to road infrastructures such as speed cameras and traffic lights.
During the tests themselves, the prototype C_Two is driven at certain speeds and subjected to radiation levels of between 20 MHz and 20 GHz. At specific intervals, electrically-based systems such as the air conditioning, lights, and wipers are also turned on to assess whether the car performs as expected, flawlessly, and reliably every time. In keeping with the car’s cutting-edge features, the tests also consider each of the car’s specific drive modes, such as Range and Track, to ensure that the car’s inverters and power distribution react as predicted.
Read more: https://www.rimac-automobili.c....om/news/articles/rim
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